Home / Series / Sixty Symbols / Aired Order / Season 2012 / Episode 14

Venus Transit - Sixty Symbols

With a rare Venus transit imminent, Professor Mike Merrifield discusses a few items of interest. More spacey stuff from Mike at our new astronomy channel: http://www.youtube.com/DeepSkyVideos Great transit info at: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/transit12.html Visit our website at http://www.sixtysymbols.com/ We're on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/sixtysymbols And Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/periodicvideos This project features scientists from The University of Nottingham Sixty Symbols videos by Brady Haran Brady's other channels include: http://www.youtube.com/periodicvideos (Chemistry stuff) http://www.youtube.com/numberphile (Numberphile) http://www.youtube.com/DeepSkyVideos (Space stuff) http://www.youtube.com/nottinghamscience (Science and behind the scenes) http://www.youtube.com/foodskey (Food science) http://www.youtube.com/BackstageScience (Big science facilities) http://www.youtube.com/favscientist (Favourite scientists) http://www.youtube.com/bibledex (Academic look at the Bible) http://www.youtube.com/wordsoftheworld (Modern language and culture) http://www.youtube.com/PhilosophyFile (Philosophy stuff)

  • Originally Aired June 1, 2012
  • Created September 24, 2021 by
  • Modified September 24, 2021 by