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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 1958178
  • Created September 17, 2014
  • Modified March 4, 2025
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Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2011E01 Who's your favourite scientist?
January 3, 2011
S2011E02 Cosmological Constant - Sixty Symbols
January 8, 2011
S2011E03 Why is glass transparent?
February 1, 2011
S2011E04 Right Ascension and Declination - Sixty Symbols
February 9, 2011
S2011E05 Four Forces - Sixty Symbols for Valentine's Day
February 13, 2011
S2011E06 What confuses a physicist?
February 21, 2011
S2011E07 Time Dilation - Sixty Symbols
March 7, 2011
S2011E08 Atomic Switch (moving individual atoms) - Sixty Symbols
March 12, 2011
S2011E09 Millisieverts and Radiation - Sixty Symbols
March 17, 2011
S2011E10 The Alpha Beta Gamma Paper - Sixty Symbols
March 24, 2011
S2011E11 What is the shortest possible time?
April 1, 2011
S2011E12 Yuri Gagarin and Orbits - Sixty Symbols
April 8, 2011
S2011E13 Gold Nanoparticle - Sixty Symbols
April 15, 2011
S2011E14 Crash Test Creme Eggs
April 19, 2011
S2011E15 Coupled Pendulums - Sixty Symbols
April 20, 2011
S2011E16 The Sixth Dimension - Sixty Symbols
April 20, 2011
S2011E17 Eggs MRI - Sixty Symbols
April 21, 2011
S2011E18 Wormholes & Portal 2 - Sixty Symbols
April 28, 2011
S2011E19 de Broglie Waves - Sixty Symbols
May 17, 2011
S2011E20 Confessions of a Tetris Addict (short version)
May 23, 2011
S2011E21 Watching paint dry - Sixty Symbols
June 2, 2011
S2011E22 Tides - Sixty Symbols
June 7, 2011
S2011E23 Spherical Electron - Sixty Symbols
June 13, 2011
S2011E24 Solstice and Equinox - Sixty Symbols
June 16, 2011
S2011E25 Milky Way's Twin - Sixty Symbols
June 27, 2011
S2011E26 The Cavendish Experiment - Sixty Symbols
July 6, 2011
S2011E27 Spiral Galaxies - Sixty Symbols
July 15, 2011
S2011E28 Chaos and Butterfly Effect - Sixty Symbols
July 25, 2011
S2011E29 Guinness Science - Sixty Symbols
August 1, 2011
S2011E30 Water in Space - Sixty Symbols
August 9, 2011
S2011E31 Wobbly Earth - Sixty Symbols
August 16, 2011
S2011E32 Schrödinger's Theatre - Sixty Symbols
August 22, 2011
S2011E33 Granular Dynamics - Sixty Symbols
August 30, 2011
S2011E34 Far Side of the Moon - Sixty Symbols
September 13, 2011
S2011E35 Neutrinos faster than light - Sixty Symbols
September 28, 2011
S2011E36 Supernovae and the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics - Sixty Symbols
October 4, 2011
S2011E37 Capturing Saturn - Sixty Symbols
October 7, 2011
S2011E38 Fab Four and Vacuum Energy - Sixty Symbols
October 10, 2011
S2011E39 Ghost Particles (for Halloween) - Sixty Symbols
October 26, 2011
S2011E40 Witches in Space - Sixty Symbols
October 26, 2011
S2011E41 Hammer and Spark - Sixty Symbols
November 9, 2011
S2011E42 Southern Skies and Southern Cross - Sixty Symbols
November 19, 2011
S2011E43 Spy Satellites (from Deep Sky Videos)
November 21, 2011
S2011E44 Vortex Nitron - Sixty Symbols
December 19, 2011
S2011E45 Higgs Boson - Sixty Symbols
season finale
December 21, 2011

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