The story begins with Natsumi inviting Koyuki to spend Hinamatsuri, the Japanese Girls' Festival, at the Hinata household. Keroro intervenes once again, hoping to 'spice up' the traditional festival in his own way, and Kururu unveils his newest invention - Kururuko, a magical girl style Pekopon suit, its perfect human likeness spoiled by Kururu's attempt at a girly voice from inside it. Kururuko then proceeds to send the humans into a holographic realm, introducing them to Hinamatsuri, Outer Space style.
Debuting in this episode is Dance Man, the white-suited afro-coifed singer of the Afro Gunso closing theme... and Dasonu Maso, his alien bootleg version. The story begins when Keroro tricks Natsumi with what appears to be a Dance Man concert ticket, but ripping off the counterfoil summons Dasonu Maso from deep space, and Natsumi is subjected to the truths of Dasonu Maso as well as the threat of her very own afro....
喜歡偶像Dance Man的夏美不小心接受了KeroRO與KuruRU給的演唱會門票.本來一心期待會看到偶像Dance Man,但是卻來了一個很像但是卻是假的偶像名字叫做DASONU MASO?!他會將所有人都變成阿芙羅爆炸頭~當大家以為倒霉遇到怪人的時候, 卻因此招來了真正的偶像Dance Man!?
La historia comienza con Natsumi invitando a Koyuki a pasar Hinamatsuri, el Festival de las Chicas Japonesas, en la casa de Hinata. Keroro interviene una vez más, con la esperanza de 'darle vida' al festival tradicional a su manera, y Kururu presenta su invento más nuevo: Kururuko, un traje de Pekopon estilo niña mágica, su perfecta semejanza humana arruinada por el intento de Kururu de una voz femenina desde su interior. . Kururuko luego procede a enviar a los humanos a un reino holográfico, presentándolos a Hinamatsuri, al estilo del Espacio Exterior. Debutando en este episodio está Dance Man, el cantante con traje blanco y peinado afro del tema de cierre de Afro Gunso ... y Dasonu Maso, su versión pirata alienígena.