Welcome to this exciting sitcom for young audiences, a spin-off of the Telenovela Rebel which enjoyed enormous success and broke the ratings in a large number of countries worldwide. Six good friends have stopped being the TV characters we know so well to become members of a music group sensation. We will share in the experience of their performances, their concert tours; their growth process on and off the stage. All six live basically together, and sometimes too much so. In this new series they will face the challenge of growing up, living on their own and trying to find answers, but especially of finding love, or passion, or friendship, or sex… or whatever they can.
La serie de televisión narra la historia de seis amigos que con diferentes personalidades y viviendo en el mismo edificio, se convierten en un fenómeno de éxito con su grupo musical. Cuenta la verdadera historia de los integrantes de RBD, pero con toques de ficción, que deja ver gran parte de los sentimientos reales de sus protagonistas. La realidad más cercana que se expone en las aventuras de la serie se refiere a la verdadera amistad que hay entre ellos, a la familia que han construido.
A série mostra, de forma fictícia, a vida dos integrantes da famosa banda RBD — Annie (Anahi), Dul (Dulce Maria), Poncho (Alfonso Herrera), Ucker (Christopher Uckermann), Chris (Christian Chávez) e May (Maite Perroni).
A série mostra, de forma fictícia, a vida dos integrantes da famosa banda RBD — Annie (Anahi), Dul (Dulce Maria), Poncho (Alfonso Herrera), Ucker (Christopher Uckermann), Chris (Christian Chávez) e May (Maite Perroni).