Now that Ash has won his battle against Leon and Goh has encountered Mew, our heroes have reunited. But Goh wants to become a more capable Trainer, so he contemplates going on his own journey, unsure of what Ash’s reaction might be. The two go camping with Chloe, and they all catch up and share memories of their lives with Pokémon. Suddenly, Ash declares that he wants to start a new journey with Pikachu, causing Goh to storm off in anger. After a heart-to-heart talk with Chloe, Ash meets back up with Goh, and all is peaceful again—but then Lugia appears! That means it’s time for a raid battle!
Goh tem uma nova meta: tornar-se um treinador bom o suficiente para ter Mew como parceiro, mas ele não sabe como tocar no assunto com Ash e Chloe.
Unsere Helden sind wieder vereint. Aber Goh will ein noch besserer Trainer werden und überlegt auf seine eigene Reihe zu gehen. Auch Ash möchte mit Pikachu eine neue Reise beginnen. Das sorgt für ordentlich Zündstoff.
Goh a une nouvelle ambition de devenir un entraîneur digne de s'associer à Mew - mais il ne sait pas comment aborder le sujet en campant avec Sasha et Chloé.
Goh ma nowy cel — stać się trenerem wartym współpracy z Mew. Nie wie jednak, jak poruszyć ten temat podczas kempingu z Ashem i Chloe.
Goh tem a nova ambição de se tornar um treinador merecedor de ser parceiro de Mew — mas não sabe como abordar o assunto quando vai acampar com Ash e Chloe.