Project Mew is embarking on its most important mission—finally encountering Mew! After the rampaging Groudon and Kyogre are revealed to actually be Mew, the Mythical Pokémon shows Goh and the other Chasers a vision of the beginning of the universe. It then starts to battle them with overwhelmingly powerful attacks, but Goh thinks it’s only playing around. He tells Mew that it’s been the inspiration for so much of his life and adventures and that he’s grateful. Vowing to see it again someday, he’s shocked when Mew suddenly appears in the palm of his hand—literally! Mew then departs, and the Chasers return to a grateful Professor Amaranth.
Na Ilha Remota, os Rastreadores fazem uma descoberta chocante e são transportados para um reino misterioso, onde Goh se conecta com um velho amigo.
La mission primordiale du projet Mew bat son plein et Goh s'assure qu'il réalise et dépasse ses rêves les plus fous!
Die alles entscheidende Mission von Projekt Mew ist in vollem Gange und Goh sorgt dafür, dass sie seine kühnsten Träume erfüllt, und übertrifft!
Tropiciele dokonują sensacyjnego odkrycia na wyspie i zostają przeniesieni do tajemniczego królestwa, gdzie Goh spotyka starego przyjaciela.
Os Coletores fazem uma descoberta surpreendente numa ilha e são transportados para um reino misterioso, onde Goh reencontra um velho amigo.