A camping trip becomes even more exciting when Ash and Goh challenge the Legendary Pokémon Lugia to a Raid Battle! The action is fierce but friendly, and eventually Ash and Goh ride on Lugia’s back as it flies over Kanto. The boys are filled with wonder at the Pokémon they see, and it reinforces their own decisions to go on separate journeys. The next day, Ash and Goh depart Cerise Laboratory, with Chloe taking over their work as research fellows, and then they part ways when they reach a fork in the road. The future is in the palms of their hands—as the journey continues!
Uma batalha épica com um lendário Pokémon deixa Ash e Goh empolgados. Mas, antes de partirem em novas jornadas, eles precisam se despedir.
Une bataille épique avec un Pokémon légendaire ravive le feu dans le cœur de Sasha et de Goh. Mais avant de partir pour de nouveaux voyages, ils doivent dire au revoir.
Nachdem sie ihre hart erkämpften Ziele erreicht haben, führt ein Campingausflug unsere Helden in aufregende und überraschende, neue Richtungen!
Niesamowita walka z legendarnymi Pokémonami na nowo rozpala ogień w sercach Asha i Goha. Zanim jednak wyruszą w nową podróż, muszą się pożegnać.
Uma batalha épica com um Pokémon lendário revitaliza a paixão de Ash e Goh. Mas antes de partirem em novas aventuras, têm de lidar com a despedida.