On the way to Driftveil City, Ash and Iris decide to have a Pokémon battle with Scraggy and Axew. After knocking each other out, they take a break and play with each other. Scraggy runs into a Gothita which immediately gets fixated on Scraggy. They meet its trainer, Katharine. They eat lunch together after introducing themselves. Gothita takes a liking to Scraggy that it wants Katharine to trade Scraggy with one of her Pokémon. Ash explains that he is not interested in trading and that he wishes to raise them on his own. Gothita gets upset and wants to have a battle and the winner gets Scraggy. Ash refuses but gets taunted by Katharine. He accepts the challenge and chooses Tepig while Katharine chooses Mandibuzz. They battle it out with Tepig winning the battle and Scraggy staying with Ash. It begins to rain and they all spend the night in a cabin together. Gothita wakes up and wakes Scraggy and they leave the cabin together. Gothita tries to charm Scraggy into coming with it. Meanwhile, Axew has a bad dream a wakes up to find both Gothita and Scraggy missing. Snivy follows shortly to see what is going on. Soon after Pikachu wakes up to find everyone missing and the gang soon follows to find everyone. Axew and Gothita fight until it wakes up a Garbodor and begins to attack everyone. When they reunite they fight and eventually calm down the Garbodor using Katharine's Deerling. Gothita gets agitated with Snivy and wants to battle it first thing tomorrow. They have a fierce battle and in the end Snivy wins. Gothita gets upset and taunted by Snivy and runs away. They abruptly depart from the gang and their journey continues to Driftveil City.
On the way to Driftveil City, Ash and Iris decide to have a Pokémon battle with Scraggy and Axew. After knocking each other out, they take a break and play with each other. Scraggy runs into a Gothita which immediately gets fixated on Scraggy. They meet its trainer, Katharine. They eat lunch together after introducing themselves. Gothita takes a liking to Scraggy that it wants Katharine to trade Scraggy with one of her Pokémon. Ash explains that he is not interested in trading and that he wishes to raise them on his own. Gothita gets upset and wants to have a battle and the winner gets Scraggy. Ash refuses but gets taunted by Katharine. He accepts the challenge and chooses Tepig while Katharine chooses Mandibuzz. They battle it out with Tepig winning the battle and Scraggy staying with Ash. It begins to rain and they all spend the night in a cabin together. Gothita wakes up and wakes Scraggy and they leave the cabin together. Gothita tries to charm Scraggy into coming with it.
La Scrutella d'une dresseuse semble être tombée amoureuse du Bagguiguane de Sacha. Etant très capricieuse, elle demande à sa dresseuse de faire un marché avec Sacha : S'il perd en combat Pokémon, Bagguiguane devra suivre Scrutella dans son voyage. Et cette nouvelle semble effrayé Coupenotte.
Während Ash auf dem Weg zur Arena von Marea City gerade ein Kampftraining einlegt, lernen die Freunde ein temperamentvolles und stures Mollimorba kennen, das sich auf der Stelle in Ashs Zurrokex verliebt. Kurzerhand teilt Mollimorba seiner Trainerin Katharina mit, dass sie Zurrokex gegen eines ihrer Pokémon tauschen soll. Als Katharina Ash diesen Vorschlag macht, lehnt der natürlich ab. Katharina gibt jedoch nicht auf und fordert Ash zu einem Kampf heraus. Wenn er gewinnt, kann er Zurrokex behalten, aber wenn er verliert, gehört Zurrokex ihr! Katharina provoziert ihn so lange, bis Ash schließlich zustimmt…
Los chicos conocen a una entrenadora llamada Katharine cuya Gothita se obsesiona con el Scraggy de Ash y no se va a detener hasta tenerlo. Por suerte Axew no va a dejar que su amigo se vaya tan fácilmente.
På deres vej til Driftveil City og Ash's næste Sal-kamp, møder vores helte en krævende Gothita, som godt kan lide Scraggy!