Lusamine gives our heroes their first assignment as members of the Ultra Guardians: catch an Ultra Beast named Buzzwole, who emerged from an Ultra Wormhole on Melemele Island. Equipped with the latest technology, the Ultra Guardians locate the Pokémon, whose aggressive behavior seems to reflect its anxiety about being in a strange world. Ash and Kiawe notice Buzzwole has a habit of striking heroic poses—so they join right in! With Buzzwole’s guard down, Ash catches it in a Beast Ball, and it’s soon returned to its own world through the reopened Ultra Wormhole. Though our heroes will miss Buzzwole, their first mission as Ultra Guardians is a rousing success!
Elsa-Mina convoque la classe de Sacha pour leur toute première mission en tant qu'Ultra-Gardiens.
Los ultraentes han aparecido en la isla. Siguiendo las ordenes de Lusamine, Ash y los demás partieron como Ultra Guardianes para capturarlos y enviarlos de vuelta al mundo del que provenían.
Das Erscheinen einer weiteren Ultrabestie zwingt unsere Helden, in neue Rollen zu schlüpfen – und das Kommando zu übernehmen!
Un tunnel dall'Ultraspazio si apre sull'isola Mele Mele e gli Ultraprotettori ricevono il primo incarico: fermare la furia distruttiva di Buzzwole!
Um Ultra-Wormhole abre-se na Ilha de Melemele, e os Ultraguardiães recebem a sua primeira missão: travar o ataque furioso de Buzzwole!