After a day of shopping, Team Rocket encounters Mareanie’s first love and mentor, a Mareanie that still has feelings for its former protégé. Filled with jealousy, it evolves into a Toxapex and poisons James! In his poisoned stupor, James decides Mareanie should be with Toxapex instead of with him. When Mareanie overhears this, its sadness causes it to run away. But Toxapex can’t bear to see Mareanie cry, and it challenges James to a duel to win Mareanie back. After what turns out to be an underwhelming battle, James is victorious, and Mareanie joyously reunites with him and the rest of Team Rocket!
La Team Rocket rencontre un Vorastérie chromatique qui a l'air de connaitre celui de James.
A Mareanie de James estraga as suas tentativas de apanhar um Frillish e de capturar um Toxapex, com o qual ele partilha um difícil passado.
Cuando James se encuentra en la playa con su Maraenie, aparece otro Maraenie de un color alternativo, y decide enfrentarse a él en un combate Pokémon. Sin embargo dicho Mareanie evoluciona a Toxapex y resulta estar fuertemente ligado al pasado del Mareanie de James.
Eine zufällige Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit gefährdet Gegenwart und Zukunft.
Mareanie intralcia i tentativi di James di catturare un Frillish e di acchiappare un Toxapex con cui ha un passato tormentato.