Following their journey through the Ultra Wormhole, our heroes return to the Pokémon School, where Lillie thanks everyone for their help saving her mother. Later, during a walk on the beach, Professor Kukui asks Professor Burnet to marry him! They aren’t planning a wedding ceremony, but our heroes have other ideas...a surprise ceremony awaits!
Then, Lusamine asks the Pokémon School class to join the Ultra Guardians—a group that protects Alola from Ultra Beasts. And just after the bouquet toss, Solgaleo appears! Ash gets his wish and thanks the Legendary Pokémon for all its help, and he looks forward to seeing it again someday.
Le Professeur Euphorbe est sur le point de s'engager dans une belle aventure.
Gracias a la ayuda de Nebulilla todos han podido regresar sanos y salvos del Ultraabismo y celebran por ello. Sin embargo el profesor Kukui debe decirle algo a Ash.
Professor Kukui und Professor Burnett heiraten und unsere Helden wissen sofort, was sie zu tun haben!
Dopo il ritorno alla Scuola di Pokémon, Solgaleo svanisce e Ash si intristisce. Il professor Kukui e la professoressa Magnolia fanno un annuncio importante.
No regresso à Escola Pokémon, Solgaleo desaparece, deixando Ash deprimido. Os Professores Kukui e Burnet têm um anúncio importante a fazer.