Ash und seine Freunde treffen auf einen riesigen Zigzach, der sich als Menschenjunge im Zigzach-Kostüm entpuppt. Dieser hat sich verkleidet, um so besser mit den Pokémon reden zu können. Maike bestreitet ihren ersten Kampf gegen den naturverbundenen Knickerbocker-Träger.
Brock is ready to travel again and has joined up with Ash, May and Max as the journey on towards Rustboro City. In the forest they encounter a giant Zigzagoon, which they soon realize is actually a trainer in a Zigzagoon suit. Nicolai the Knickerbocker is a trainer that believes in becoming one with Pokémon in order to understand them. While battling, he wears a costume of whichever Pokémon he is using. When not dressed as a Pokémon, he wears knickers in order to be closer to nature. Nicolai is very excited to learn that May is the daughter of the Petalburg Gym leader. He challenges her to a battle and quickly defeats her. Nicolai taunts her for losing, saying that he doesn't think her father will be difficult to beat since she is such an inexperienced trainer. Brock, Ash and May shrug off the defeat and continue on their way, but Max is furious. Without telling anyone, he goes off in search of Nicholai to defend his father's honor.
Sacha aide un dresseur à capturer un Zigzaton. Mais la Team Rocket est là. Le dresseur essaye de les sauver avec son Gobou. Il y arrive et réussit à battre la Team Rocket. Le dresseur capture un Zigzaton. Sacha l'affronte et choisit Nirondelle et le dresseur utilise un Zigzaton. C'est comme cela que l'épisode se finit.
Ash, May, Brock y Max siguen en el bosque, allí conocen a un entrenador llamado Nicolai que se disfraza de pokémon porque es un ''knickerbocker'' y en este momento intenta capturar un Zigzagoon.
Ash och hans vänner möter en excentrisk Tränare som utmanar May till hennes allra första Pokémon-strid!
Brock è pronto a riprendere il viaggio e si unisce ad Ash, Vera e Max, diretti a Ferrugipoli.
Ash e os amigos conhecem um treinador que tenta capturar um Pokémon elétrico chamado Electrike.