Pikachu wird sehr krank. Da es in Wurzelheim kein Pokémon Center gibt, bittet Ash Professor Birk um seine Hilfe. Pikachu hat zuviel Energie in sich und schwebt in Lebensgefahr. Team Rocket schnappt sich Pikachu. Um sich zu schützen, hat Team Rocket eine Maschine entwickelt, die Pikachu entladen soll. Zum Glück ist das in dem Moment genau die richtige Behandlung für Pikachu. Team Rockets Maschine explodiert, und Pikachu kann gerettet werden. Währenddessen ist Maike bei Professor Birk angekommen. Sie will sich ihr erstes Pokémon abholen, obwohl sie sich eigentlich gar nicht so für Pokémon interessiert. Sie entscheidet sich für ein Flemmli. Maike kann Ash überreden, seine Reise nach Rosaltstadt mit ihr fortzusetzen.
In the land of Hoenn, a girl named May travels to Prof. Birch's lab. She is attacked by a wild ghost pokemon called Duskull. Scared, but unharmed, she travels on her bike to the lab in Littleroot Town.Ash also travels to Littleroot town and signs up for the Hoenn League. Ash arrives in town to discover that Littleroot doesn't have a pokemon center! Ash rushes to the Profesor's lab and talks to one of the assistants. The assistant alerts Prof. Birch and the he assists him.Meanwhile, May arrives at the lab to find that the Prof. isn't there. The assistants tell her that he drove into the woods and she rides after them.In the woods, the prof. tumbles down a cliff and lands on a Pochyena. He is suddenly surrounded by a group of the pokemon and he looks like he is in trouble. Suddenly, May arrives and the prof. tells her to take one of the pokemon out of his bag and use it to battle the Pochyena. She ends up throwing Mudkip. Birch tells Mudkip to do a water gun attack.As May and Prof.Birch find Ash. As the group is about to leave, Team Rocket arrive on the scene in a giant robot. They reintroduce themselves to Ash and let May and the prof. know who they are. Jessie still doesn't care about this mission and James and Meowth do the dirty work as they launch an arm that begins draining Pikachu's energy. However, it accidentely HEALS Pikachu and he uses a super-powered Thunderbolt.Back at the lab, May picks the fire pokemon, Torchic. Prof. Birch gives her a pokedex and she qiuetly says how she really doesn't like Pokemon. May's damaged bike due to Pikachu's thunderbolt makes her angry but she decides to ask Ash if she can go with him on his journey. He says OK and they head over to Oladale town as Ash's journey in Hoenn begins.
Pikachu ne se sent pas bien. Sacha va chez le professeur Seko. Il l'aide à remettre Pikachu sur pied. La team Rocket vient et Sacha l'affronte. Une jeune fille de 10 ans, Flora, a vu cela. Elle va avoir son premier Pokémon, elle décide de prendre un Poussifeu. Elle décide d'accompagner Sacha.
Ash llega a la Región Hoenn para comenzar una nueva aventura pero antes debe llevar a Pikachu con el Profesor Birch para curarlo. Mientras lo hace, conoce a May, una chica de 10 años que va a recibir su primer pokémon.
Pikachu lider av allvarlig elektrisk överspänning! Kommer Ash och professor Birch att hitta en lösning innan det är för sent?
Il tentativo fallito del Team Rocket di rapire Pikachu ha lasciato il piccolo Pokémon giallo gravemente ammalato. Albanova non ospita alcun Centro Pokémon, pertanto Ash si rivolge al Professor Birch in cerca di aiuto.
はたして逃げ出したピカチュウはぶじなのか?! そして新たな土地でのいきなりのピンチを、サトシはどう切りぬけるのか!?