Ash und seine Freunde treffen auf den berühmten Pokémon-Beobachter Doktor Quackenpoker, der sein Leben dem Studium der Karpadors verschrieben hat. Er nimmt unsere Freunde mit zur Insel Borken, zu der die Karpadors alljährlich zurückkehren, um sich, falls sie die nötige Stärke erreicht haben, dort zu Garados weiterzuentwickeln. Team Rocket entdeckt die Karpadors und fängt sie in ihrem U-Boot ein. Doch in ihrer Gier können die drei nicht genug kriegen. Das U-Boot wird zu schwer und geht unter. In ihrer Not müssen sie die Karpadors wieder freilassen. Doch dann entschließen sich die drei, sich Pikachu zu schnappen. Es kommt zu einem Kampf. Team Rocket verliert und sucht das Weite. Doktor Quackenpoker setzt mit Traceys Hilfe seine Studien fort und ist begeistert, dass sich in diesem Jahr so viele Karpadors zu Garados weiterentwickeln.
Continuing to float through the water on Lapras, the group encounter a large school of Magikarp swimming by, as well as an odd individual following and studying them. The Magikarp are headed for a deserted island and they follow. Watching for the Magikarp, the odd man meets Ash and co. His name is Dr. Quackenpoker. He is watching the Magikarp. The group are watching as the Magikarp are swimming upstream, and trying to climb a waterfall to return home. Team Rocket see all the Magikarp, and decide to try to steal them thinking they could have a huge army of Gyarados after they evolved. They have nets, because they cannot afford Pokéballs (heh, must've spent ALL their money on the Meowth-bot and the Giant Rhydon-bot in the last two episodes) and James makes a catch. The Magikarp flips away, and within the net, drag the three of them into the water to wash downstream. They continue studying Magikarp as well as sitting down for a while to have a quick discussion about Pikachu and Ash's relationship and about Togepi, making it quite clear this guy knows about more than just Magikarp. Later, they are noticing the Magikarp are worried about something, and soon enough, TR's Magikarp sub starts swallowing all the Magikarp whole. It becomes too much for the sub to hold, and they start sinking, but after spitting a bunch out, float back up. In their latest plan, they start throwing Magikarp at the group, who try to catch them in their arms to prevent the Magikarp hurting themselves falling into the water. So, with Ash's arms full, they steal Pikachu and put him under glass.. as usual. Ash attacks with Bulbasaur, except Jessie, James and Meowth keep passing Pikachu around amongst themselves. Then, James gets a Magikarp stuck on his head, to which they try to pull it off. Dr. Quackenpoker (or whatever) tries to stop them, because the Magikarp's grip is very strong and James is more likely to have his head pulled off. Calming down the Magikarp, it splashes off into the water. Tea
Nos amis rencontrent un observateur de Magicarpes et de leur évolution en Léviator.
אש והחבורה ממשיכים בדרכם באיי תפוז ואם הם מוצאים קבוצת מג'יקרפים נודדים.
פתאום עלתה צוללת ומתוכה יוצא איש בשם דר. קווקנפוקר שאומר אמר להם שהוא חוקר את המג'יקארפים האלה.
אש, מיסטי וטרייסי מחליטים לעזור לו ומוצאים עבורו את חבורת המג'יקארפים הנודדים.
Con 4 medallas ganadas, los chicos se dirigen a la Liga Pokémon pero no sin antes detenerse en una isla desierta para observar la marcha de los Magikarp junto a su nuevo amigo, el Profesor Quackenpoker.
I nostri eroi si imbattono nel sottomarino di uno studioso che osserva i Magikarp e seguendolo vengono reclutati come assistenti nel suo progetto di ricerca sull'evoluzione di questi Pokémon. Ma il Team Rocket ha ben altri piani...