Ash trifft Rusty, den Arenaleiter der Trovita-Inseln und fordert ihn zum Duell heraus. Doch Rusty hat mehr Interesse an Misty als an dem Kampf gegen Ash…
Floating their way to Trovita Island on Lapras, they spot a girl drowning by a whirlpool. Misty saves the girl with Staryu, while the girl's older brother watches most impressed with Misty. When they arrive on the island he greets Misty and has a quick dance with her. His name is Rudy, and he is the Trovita Gym leader. Rudy invites Misty to dinner and his little sister who Misty saved asks too. They are off at dinner and Rudy invites Misty to come check out the Pokémon in his gym. He has taught them all to dance, and he invites Misty to dance with him and the Pokémon. While dancing, he asks Misty if she'll stay and live on the island with him, asking for her decision after the match with Ash the next day. The next day the match begins, and Ash starts with Pikachu. Pikachu battles against Rudy's Electabuzz, but is quickly defeated. The next match is Bulbasaur against Exeggutor. Exeggutor looses and falls over the edge of the plateau they stand on. It falls and knocks Team Rocket off of the edge that they were climbing up to get to Ash. Ash has Bulbasaur save Exeggutor grabbing on with it's vine and returning it to the field. The final determining match is Squirtle against Starmie. Starmie spins fast to generate an electric charge weakening Squirtle. Squirtle is nearly defeated but saves himself learning a new attack, the hydro pump. Misty cheers on Ash the rest of the battle and Rudy realizes she likes Ash more than him. Starmie is defeated, Ash gets the badge, and they all leave the island.
Sacha remporte son troisième badge.
אש והחברה סוף סוף מגיעים לאי טרוביטה, ולפני שאש יוכל לאתגר את מנהיג המכון רופי, הוא חייב לעבור מבחנים .
ילד בשם רודי נתקע במיסטי ומבקש ממנה להשאר על האי איתו. מיסטי מסרבת לבקשה שלו.
למחרת אש סוף סוף מגיע קרב של 3 על 3 שבו צריכים להשתמש באותם סוגים של פוקימונים.
אש מנצח את הקרב וזוכה בתג השלישי שלו באיי תפוז, תג הספייק של.
Los chicos llegan finalmente a Isla Trovita en donde Ash enfrentará a Rudy, el lider de gimnasio por otra medalla naranja. Pero Rudy parece estar más interesado en Misty que en una batalla.
Misty si tuffa in un vortice per salvare una bambina. Suo fratello non ha parole per ringraziarla e perdere subito la testa per lei. Tutto si complica ulteriormente quando si scopre che lui è il Capopalestra che Ash intende sfidare!