Ash und seine Freunde sind zur Premiere des Films "Pokémon In Love" von Regisseur Schpielbunk nach Hollywood eingeladen worden. Team Rocket ist böse, weil es nicht eingeladen wurde. Jessie, James und Mauzi beschließen daraufhin, das nicht hinzunehmen. Hollywood weckt in Mauzi alte Erinnerungen an seine Jugendzeit. Damals war Mauzi ganz allein und litt großen Hunger. Da sah es einen Film über Hollywood, wo es alles im Überfluss zu geben schien. Doch das Leben in Hollywood war nicht einfach für Mauzi...
Ash and friends and his mom get invited to Hollywood for the premiere of the movie that was made in the previous episode. Although he worries they won't let him go because he should be training, they were going to let him come anyway. Team Rocket decide that they are going to crash the party. Meowth remembers his life many years ago. He was starved for food, and overall unliked by everyone. The night he was tied up in a tree, he saw a movie where a Meowth got an ice cream and some fried chicken. He decided he would go to Hollywood to get those things he needed so badly. Team Rocket hid on the bus to Hollywood that Ash and friends were taking. It leads to an abandoned street where they find the old movie theater. The director is there to greet Ash and the group. Jessie and James agree to wait outside the theater while Meowth goes to meet up with some of his old friends. On his way, he remembers some more things he went through a long time ago in this street. He'd break into the snack stand to steal a piece of chicken just to survive. But the guy caught him, and he had a frying pan thrown at him. Knocking him down without the chicken, he struggled into the alley to find many more Meowth who were lead by a Persian. They threw him a little food. They were his friends. Later, he met a female Meowth named Meowsy and immediately fell in love. But, she had no interest in a dirty old street Meowth and her owner came by to take her in her diamond covered Pokéball. Meowth decided he should learn to talk and act human. So, he started by standing up straight. He was too slow, and the next time he was stealing some chicken the guy caught him and roughed him up. He started looking at a small group of people, and tried to say what they said. He got out a book and tried to learn to read and speak. Eventually, he could do it. Most impressed with himself, he proceeded back to Meowsy but was rejected again. This time because she thought he was a freak. Standing upright, and talking on
Sacha et ses amis sont invités à l'avant-première du nouveau film de Clevens Spielbong à Hollywood. La Team Rocket les suit et la ville fait resurgir des souvenirs à Miaouss. On apprend ainsi son passé, pourquoi il parle et se comporte comme un humain.
אש והחבורה מקבלים הזמנה לבוא להוליווד לפרימיירה של הסרט של 'פוקימונים מאוהבים'. וכך אנחנו מגלים את סיפורו של מיאו.
מיאו היה חתול רחוב עזוב ואומלל עד שהוא נחשף לסרט שבו הוא מבין שהייעוד שלו זה להגיע להוליווד.
מיאו הגשים את החלום שלו לאכול ולהיות שבע ומאושר, ובמהלך שהותו בהוליווד הוא גם פוגש במיאו (נ), שמסבירה לו שהוא לא בשבילה.
מיאו עושה הכל כדי להיות ראוי לה. הוא לומד ללכת על שתיים, וגם לדבר בשפת בני האדם, אבל זה לא מתגשם עבורו.
Los chicos viajan a Hollywood para el estreno de la película ''Los Pokémon Enamorados'', mientras tanto Meowth recuerda su pasado en ese lugar: cómo aprendió a hablar, a caminar en dos patas y su viejo amor.
I nostri eroi vengono invitati alla prima del film "Pokémon innamorati" e Meowth si trova a ricordare il suo passato doloroso prima di unirsi al Team Rocket, incluso come ha imparato a camminare e parlare come un umano.
Da vore skurke går til premieren på Pokémon-filmen, ser Meowth tilbage på sin smertefulde fortid. Derfor fortæller han hele sin livshistorie til Team Rocket, også om hvordan han lærte at gå og tale som et menneske.