Sanji kann gerade noch die Vernichtung der Thousand Sunny durch De Flamingo verhindern. Doch nun gerät er selbst ins Visier des Samurais. Die Lage spitzt sich immer weiter zu, trotz Laws Unterstützung. Der scheint das eigentliche Ziel des Bündnisses mit der Strohhutbande, den Kaiser Kaido zu stürzen, fast vergessen zu haben. Im Kolosseum konzentriert sich der Angriff der Gladiatoren auf Rebecca. Diese setzt sich aber mit einer ganz speziellen Technik zur Wehr. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Sanji put up a valiant fight but was ultimately defeated by Doflamingo. Before Doflamingo could deliver the killing blow, Sanji was saved by Trafalgar Law who teleported themselves back to the Thousand Sunny. With Caesar Clown back in their control, Law ordered the Straw Hats to head to Zo immediately.
Though the Straw Hats were reluctant in leaving their remaining friends behind, they were forced to agree when they were assaulted by a flying Marine battleship, courtesy of Fujitora, and another one of Doflamingo's hand whips. Law reveals that Doflamingo cannot pursue them in cloudless areas with his Ito Ito no Mi and advises them to find one fast.
Once the Straw Hats escaped with Caesar Clown and the Marines heading to Dressrosa, the two Shichibukai have a showdown on the iron bridge. Law told his former leader that he is ending the alliance with the Straw Hats because once they stop the production of SMILE, Kaido will wipe out Doflamingo. Law also reveals his goal was to make Doflamingo pay for what he did 13 years ago, even if it cost him his life.
Sanji affronte vaillamment Doflamingo mais il est finalement battu par ce dernier. Avant que Doflamingo ne lui porte le coup de grâce, Sanji est sauvé in extremis par Trafalgar Law qui se téléporte avec lui à bord du Thousand Sunny grâce à son pouvoir. Maintenant que César Clown est de nouveau sous son contrôle, Law ordonne aux Chapeaux de Paille de faire voile pour Zou où se trouve son équipage.
Sanji viene messo molto presto in difficoltà da Doflamingo, ma prima che questi sferri il colpo di grazia Law usa i suoi poteri portando il cuoco e Caesar sulla Sunny.
Sanji se enfrenta a Doflamingo para salvar a sus compañeros, pero desconocer la habilidad del Shichibukai lo expondrá a un gran peligro. Law no ve otra salida a la situación de peligro que corren todos que ordenar a quienes están en el Sunny que abandonden de inmediato Dressrosa con Caesar y se dirijan a Zou, la próxima isla en la ruta. Mientras, Rebecca sorprende por su forma de pelear en el Corrida Colosseum.
Sanji chega para ajudar Nami e os demais contra Doflamingo, que avança contra o Thousand Sunny! Law também vai ao auxílio dos Chapéus de Palha e traça um novo plano para o objetivo da Aliança Pirata!
يقاطع مجيء لو المفاجئ معركة سانجي ودوفلامينغو، بينما تواصل ريبيكا استعراضها المبهر في معركة المجموعة د!