Die Gladiatorin Rebecca erklärt, alles zu tun, um dem Spielzeugsoldaten das Leben zu retten. Die beiden verbindet eine tragische Vergangenheit und als Spielzeug ist sein Schicksal unter De Flamingos Regime ungewiss. Deshalb will sie das Turnier gewinnen und durch die Feuerfrucht unbezwingbar werden. Als die Reparaturarbeiten am Kolosseum beendet sind, begibt sich Block D in die Arena. Darunter auch Rebecca, der das Publikum alles andere als zugetan ist. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
When Rebecca was little, her mother died when Rebecca said that she is hungry. The two had not eaten for two days because they were on the run from the people hunting down the former nobility. She left Rebecca in the Flower Field, saying that she will be back with food. Unfortunately, she was discovered by the hunters and was killed. The Thunder Soldier carried her mother back, saying that even though he couldn't protect her mother, he will protect Rebecca forever. The rest of Rebecca's childhood is shown, including the two of them living together, and Thunder Soldier teaching Rebecca how to fight.
As Rebecca walks into the arena, she is booed by the audience. Luffy is angered and says that she is a nice person. One of the prisoners replies that everyone despises her because of her grandfather, the former King who destroyed the country many years ago.
Luffy écoute attentivement les explications de Rebecca qui lui révèle toute la vérité sur sa relation qu'elle entretient avec le soldat de plomb que Luffy avait rencontré lorsqu'il est arrivé au Colisée Corrida avec Franky. Ce soldat de plomb unijambiste était autrefois son tuteur quand la mère de la jeune femme est morte.
Rebecca spiega a Rufy che il soldatino zoppo è come un padre per lei in quanto l'ha cresciuta dopo che perse sua madre. Nel frattempo la gladiatrice, mentre si reca sul ring, ricorda i tragici momenti del colpo di stato di Doflamingo, la morte della madre e di come il soldatino l'abbia protetta negli anni insegnandole anche come difendersi.
El pasado de Rebecca es desvelado. Mientras Rebecca se dirige al ring donde se disputará el Battle Royale del Bloque D, la joven gladiadora recuerda su pasado junto al soldado de juguete y como perdió a su madre, hija del Rey Riku, tras el alzamiento en el trono de Doflamingo.
Antes do início da batalha na chave D, onde está Rebecca, o passado da gladiadora com o Soldado de brinquedo é revelado.
في لحظة ما قبل المعركة، تستذكر المجالِدة الجميلة ريبيكا الأحداث المأساوية لطفولتها والجندي الدمية الذي أصبح رفيقها الدائم.