Um die eigentliche Mission nicht zu gefährden, meldet sich Ruffy unter falschem Namen als Gladiator an. Aber auch als „Lucy“ zieht er im Kolosseum alle Blicke auf sich und wird beinahe noch vor dem eigentlichen Wettbewerb disqualifiziert. Schnell wird Ruffy klar, dass er es mit einer ziemlich starken Konkurrenz zu tun hat. Sanji lässt sich derweil weiter von Violet an der Nase herumführen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The episode starts with Luffy signing up for the tournament, and Franky requests Luffy to not let anyone discover who he is. Luffy was about to write his real name when signing up until Franky hit him, and now Luffy is 'Lucy', registered with the '0556' number on the back of his shirt. Luffy and Franky are separated now, Thunder Soldier looking at a board. Franky asks Thunder Soldier about the Don Quixote family, much to Thunder Soldier's surprise. Franky proceeds to ask about a 'factory'. Meanwhile, Sanji is seen with Violet, wandering around Dressrosa.
Luffy defeats Spartan after he tried to punch him several times. Luffy was about to be disqualified, until Sai broke in and stated that Spartan was the one who started the fight. Luffy thanks Sai. The Funky Brothers are arguing with Dagama, claiming he's 'forming alliances' in his block. The episode ends with Lucy searching for a new armor and Cavendish appearing, telling Lucy there is a weight limit.
L'épisode commence par l'inscription de Luffy à un tournoi, Franky lui demande de ne laisser personne découvrir qui il est. Luffy était sur le point d'écrire son vrai nom jusqu'à ce que Franky le frappe. Finalement Luffy inscrit "Lucy" et obtient le n°0556.
Luffy bat le Spartiate après qu'il ait essayé de lui donner plusieurs coups de poing. Luffy était sur le point d'être disqualifié, jusqu'à ce que Sai fasse irruption et déclare que c’est le Spartiate qui a commencé le combat. Luffy remercie Sai. Les Funky Brothers se disputent avec Dagama.
Rufy, su consiglio di Franky, si iscrive alla competizione usando lo pseudonimo "Lucy"; successivamente, il cyborg chiede alcune informazioni su Doflamingo e la fabbrica al soldatino zoppo, che legge con apprensione che una certa Rebecca parteciperà al torneo.
Luffy se inscribe como participante en el Corrida Colosseum para conseguir el premio, la Mera Mera no Mi de su hermano Ace. De un total de 554 participantes, solo cuatro llegaran a la final. Esto se decidirá en una Battle Royale dividida en cuatro bloques.
Lucy, el apodo con el que Luffy se inscribe en el torneo, va conociendo al resto de famosos guerreros, que son pesos pesados del Nuevo Mundo.
Luffy está inscrito no torneio do Coliseu Corrida para a disputa da Fruta Mera Mera. Inúmeros destemidos e poderosos guerreiros também competirão, e a primeira rodada da batalha colocará todos os combatentes de uma mesma chave na arena, ao mesmo tempo, até que apenas um campeão sobre de pé.
يقع سانجي تحت تأثير تعويذة صديقته الجديدة أكثر فأكثر، ويترك لوفي انطباعًا كبيرًا عندما يتعرّف على المقاتلين الّذين يتنافسون على فاكهة شيطان إيس.