Zufällig wird Saburō durch einen Zeitsprung in die Zeit der Streitenden Reiche versetzt. Dort trifft er den jungen, aber kränklichen Oda Nobunaga, der einmal Japans größter Kriegsherr werden soll. Als dieser die frappierende Ähnlichkeit zwischen sich und Saburō bemerkt, bittet er ihn seinen Platz einzunehmen. Wird es Saburō gelingen, mit seinem Wissen der heutigen Zeit Japan zu vereinen?
Saburo, an ordinary high school student, travels back in time to the Sengoku era (1549). He encounters a young lord who looks exactly like him and is told, “Be my substitute. I’m the eldest son of the Oda family, Oda Nobunaga.” After the young lord leaves, Saburo is mistaken for Nobunaga by a vassal and taken to the castle. He starts to live as Oda Nobunaga from this day. The young samurai of the Oda family, which is merely a minor feudal lord, set out towards the extraordinary dream of unifying the whole country through the power of Saburo.
Saburo, a person from modern times who has no experience killing people, does not understand the willingness of the warlords of the Sengoku era to lay down their lives for their family. It is the same for the vassals too. They have had a hard time understanding Nobunaga’s actions ever since the ill-mannered, wilful Saburo took over. Despite this “generation gap across space and time”, they are soon on the brink of achieving their dream.
공부를 못하는 평범한 고등학생이 어느 날 전국시대로 떨어져서 오다 노부나가가 되는 이야기.
Сабуро - студент. Он дружит со спортом, а вот с учебой дружбы не сложилось.
Однажды Сабуро переносится в 1549 год, период Сэнгоку.
Там он встречает Оду Набунагу, который как две капли воды похож на самого Сабуро.
在征伐连年的战国乱世,突然出现了一个身着21世纪服装的高中生,他叫三郎(小栗旬 饰),因不小心从山坡上跌落下来而离奇地穿越了时空。一头雾水的他稀里糊涂和与自己长得一样的织田信长(小栗旬 饰)互换了身份,随后被家臣们拉拉扯扯带回了城中。此时尾张家所处的形势非常不妙,其被美浓、甲斐、今川团团围住,随时都有倾覆的危险。在内信长的弟弟信行(柳乐优弥 饰)则图谋继承家业,而斋藤道三的女儿归蝶(柴崎幸 饰)更对信长冷眼相待。三郎被战国的血腥残酷所震慑,他在此期间还意外发现其他从未来穿越而至的人。一个对历史没有半点积累的小青年,就这样肩负起左右日本命运的重任。三郎版的织田信长,最终能否夺取天下?