This adaptation to a popular manga is the story of a contemporary teenager travelling back in time to the Sengoku period of the sixteenth century. There he meets with the historical figure Oda Nobunaga who instills in him the mission to deliver peace to Japan. Being aware that Oda may soon die, and the plot that accompanies the occurrence, the protagonist debates altering the outcome of what may yet come to be.
懵懵懂懂的21世纪日本高中生三郎(小栗旬 饰),在意外穿越了时空后,居然来到了风起云涌的战国时代。不知为何和他长得一模一样的织田信长与之交换了身份,从此三郎便以一代霸主的尊荣行走战国。历经无数磨难,他逐渐取得家臣的信任和爱戴,而斋藤道三的女儿归蝶(柴崎幸 饰)似乎也对他用情更深。然而在得知自己死期临近之际,三郎内心倍受打击,历史看似无法逆转。与此同时,羽柴秀吉(山田孝之 饰)和真正的织田信长——明智光秀(小栗旬 饰)合谋,正准备断送第六天魔王的霸业。所谓的本能寺之变一天天临近,三郎的命运以及战国的命运到了最终决断的时刻……