Takeo und Yamata wollen zusammen einen Picknick-Ausflug machen, da sie Yamatos Geburtstag doch nicht gemeinsam verbrachten. Dazu geht es durch die Wälder und hoch zu den Bergen - und das ist durchaus nicht ungefährlich …
Takeo and Rinko go on a picnic in the mountains to make up for her birthday being interrupted. When a hawk tries to steal the brooch Takeo bought for Rinko, the pair end up falling off the mountainside, landing safely thanks to Takeo's efforts but winding up in an unknown part of the woods. As the pair try to make their way back to civilization, Rinko becomes anxious about having to spend the night together with Takeo. That night, as Takeo goes to sleep, Rinko decides to give him a peck on the cheek. The next morning, Takeo and Rinko get to meet some woodland critters before reaching the roadside, after which they are able to get home safely.
Takeo et Rinko décident d'aller pique-niquer à la montagne pour fêter de nouveau l'anniversaire de Rinko. Mais le rendez-vous ne se passera pas vraiment comme prévu…
O Takeo e a Yamato resolvem partir a um piquenique nas montanhas e numa rápida sequência de eventos acabam no meio de uma reviravolta. Serão eles capazes de sobreviver?
Es verano y Takeo y Yamato salen a subir juntos una montaña. Sin embargo, sucede algo repentino que pone en riesgo la vida de Yamato. Se trata de algo que cambiará drásticamente los objetivos de ambos para dicha aventura y los hará compartir como nunca antes.
Takeo e Yamato vanno in montagna per fare un picnic, ma si perdono. Takeo si imbarca nella missione di portare a casa Yamato sana e salva, mentre l'unico pensiero della ragazza è che passeranno la notte insieme. Riusciranno a cavarsela?
ياماتو وتاكيو يذهبان للتنزه في الجبل ويضيعان هناك، هل يستطيعان العودة سالمين؟ أم ستواجههم المشاكل