The Pilot is the pilot episode of the My Life Me series
Sandra is feeling low, so when pod 4 discovers that their teacher is going to give them a test, and take the average score of each pod, Birch and Liam take action. To raise Sandra's spirits, so she is able to study, they pretend to be her secret admirer, sending her love poems over text. Meanwhile, Raffi gets suspicious, and believes that someone is messing with her. So not only does Liam and Birch have to hide their secret from Sandra, but Raffi as well.
Raffi wins an art award, and Birch gets extremely jealous. She believes that Raffi used her for her artistic skill in order to win it. Meanwhile, Liam and Sandra are looking through the different steps Birch is facing (denial, anger, etc.). Sandra, however, is waiting for Birch explode with rage for her own entertainment.
Pod 4 is nominated for "Pod of the Month" by their teacher. Amelia is extremely jealous because her pod is normally "Pod of the Month", and she tries to jeopardize their chances by turning them against each other. Doing so, she finds Birch's drawings about the other members of her pod (titled "Pod Life"). The drawings consisted of Sandra, Liam and Raffi looking like terrible people. Amelia asks to get the pictures published on the school newspaper, causing pod 4 to turn against Birch.
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Blooper reel for My Life Me
Music video that focuses on Birch Small to introduce her character
Music video that focuses on Sandra le Blanc to introduce her character
Music video that focuses on Liam Coll to introduce his character
Music video that focuses on Raffi Rodriguez to introduce his character