After removing himself from the previous game Goro uses the excuse that he had back problems. During his next start Goro seems to be fine during the first 4 innings, but during the fifth he gives up a hit an then loses control of his pitches. Both Keene and Watts suspect Goro has developed the yips, a psychological condition that causes an athletes body to freeze up during times of pressure, but Keene refuses to let Goro leave the mound unless the game gets tied in the hopes that Goro can overcome the yips without being demoted to the minors.
Après être sorti de la partie de lui-même lors de son match précédent, Goro s'excuse en prétendant avoir des problèmes de dos. Durant son début de match suivant, Goro semble aller bien pendant les 4 premières manches, mais au cours de la 5ème il octroie un hit et perd le contrôle de ses lancers. Keane et Watts suspectent que Goro a développé le yips, une affection psychologique qui empêche les athlètes de bien jouer durant les moments de pression. Cependant, Keane refuse de laisser Goro quitter le monticule de façon à l'aider à surpasser le yips et à ne pas être rétrogradé en ligue mineure.
위기 상황에서의 두둑한 배짱이 사라지고 겁먹은 피칭으 보여주는 고로.
이를 지켜보던 팀의 마무리 왓츠는 조심스럽게 YIPS이 아닌가 하는 의견을 낸다.
결국 포수 키인은 고로가 YIPS인지 확인하기 위하여 경기중에 극약처방을 내놓고…