Goro is sent two tickets to the All-Star game by Gibson. When his mom gets sick he invites his friends. The three hold a drawing and Shimizu wins it. Along with the interpreter the two go to the All-Star game. Shimizu accidentally breaks Goro's arm during the trip. At the game Gibson states he will only pitch fastballs. He manages to strike out the side for the three innings he pitches. Afterwards he invites Goro and Shimizu down to let Goro get his revenge by beaning him, but Goro asks Gibson to wait until he gets older because he can't pitch and he thinks Gibson has a lot to provide the fans of the world.
고로는 깁슨의 초대를 받아들여 메이저리그 올스타전을 관전하기로 한다.
하지만 엄마는 갓 퇴원하여 여행을 버틸 수가 없었다.
결국 고로와 함께 미국에 가는 행운은 가위바위보 끝에 시미즈가 차지하게 되는데…
Luego de recibir una invitación de Gibson para ir a ver el juego de las estrellas en Estados Unidos, Goro ansia conocer como se juega en donde nació el béisbol. Pero Momoko está imposibilitada de ir, entonces le ofrece a uno de sus amigos para viajar.