Als Yukiho und Alisa an der Otonokizaka-Oberschule aufgenommen werden, sprechen die Mädchen über die Zukunft von µ's. Nico ist dafür, auch nachdem einige Mitglieder gegangen sind, den Namen beizubehalten, aber Hanayo wendet ein, dass die Gruppe ohne alle neun Mitglieder nicht mehr µ's wäre.
After she and Alisa pass the entrance exams for Otonogizaka, Yukiho asks Honoka about what will happen to μ's after Eli, Nozomi, and Nico graduate. With the girls divided between whether or not μ's should carry on with new members in the new year, Eli states that Honoka and the other younger members should be the ones to decide what the future of the group will be. Later, Alisa, who had originally wanted to join μ's upon entering Otonogizaka, tells Honoka that she instead intends to form her own idol unit with Yukiho, having realized that the reason she loves μ's is because of its nine members. Later that weekend, Honoka brings out the group to play, visiting all sorts of places that each of the members decide to go. Upon arriving at the beach, Honoka and the others announce their decision that μ's will disband after graduation, with everyone feeling the same way that a group with even one member missing is not μ's at all. After letting out all of their tears, the girls return home and make preparations for their final performance together at Love Live.
La fin de l'année scolaire approche et annonce de grands changements. Si Arisa et Yukiho se réjouissent d'entrer à Otonokizaka, pour Eri, Nico et Nozomi, cela signifie aussi la fin de leur vie lycéenne. Que deviendra µ's sans elles ?
입시시즌이 끝나면서 뮤즈는 3학년 멤버 졸업 이후의 향방에 대해 고민하게 된다. 떠나가는 멤버에 대한 안타까움, 새로이 멤버로 합류하고 싶어하는 동생들. 멤버들은 한 달 앞으로 다가온 본선아 앞서 이 문제를 정리하기로 하는데...
Una parte de las chicas pronto se gradúa, por lo que todas se preguntan qué sucederá con µ's luego de Love Live. Debido a que tienen tantos motivos para estar muy ansiosas, el grupo sale de excursión por diferentes lugares para tratar de despejar la mente.