Die regionalen Vorrunden des Love Live stehen unmittelbar bevor. Weil die Gruppe selbst auswählen darf, wo die Vorführung stattfinden soll, schlägt Honoka die Schule vor, aber Nico und Hanayo wenden ein, dass sie nur gewinnen können, wenn sie einen Ort wählen, der einen größeren Eindruck hinterlässt.
With various alternatives to performing on one of the main stages for the Love Live preliminaries, the girls consider streaming from within their school, though realise it'll be harder to appeal to voters that way. With help from the broadcasting the club, Honoka, Umi and Hanayo use the school's broadcast to both spread word of their performance and give themselves more practise. Whilst trying to find a suitable location to perform where they haven't already performed before, the girls are brought to UTX Academy by the members of A-Rise, who have been keeping a close eye on each of μ's' members. After stating their intention to not lose against them, A-Rise offers to let μ's perform on their stage atop of UTX Academy's roof for the preliminaries. As the girls feel doubtful after seeing A-RISE's performance, Honoka pumps up the other girls whilst the other students come to show their support as μ's performs the new song they created together.
Les membres de µ's cherchent du soutien en prévision des éliminatoires du Love Live. Leur chemin croisera bientôt celui d'A-RISE, peut-être même plus tôt que prévu…
합숙 끝에 곡은 완성했지만 라이브 스테이지를 결정하지 못한 뮤즈. 멤버들은 신선한 느낌을 줄 수 있는 곳을 찾아 학교를 나와 아키바로 향하는데... 어디선가 많이 본 것 같은 한 여학생이 호노카를 부르더니 어딘가로 끌고 가버린다!
En esta entrega las chicas compartirán con una agrupación mucho más popular que ellas. Será todo un reto, pues aún les falta para alcanzar tal nivel. Pero a la vez será tremenda fuente de aprendizaje.
终于“LoveLive!”的地区预赛即将要开始了。因为这次的表演场地可以自由选择,因此穗乃果提议以学校作为表演舞台,妮可与花阳却认为要在令人印象深刻的场地才能够战胜其他团队。 可是在学校周围却觅寻不到适合的场地。就在这时,她们看见了UTX高中巨大的荧幕上播放着A-RISE光鲜亮丽的样子。此时眼前就出现了真正的A-RISE……