Das Ziel von µ's heißt erneut Love Live. Gerade als sie mit den Vorbereitungen beginnen, wird eine neue Regel angekündigt: Nur bisher nicht vorgeführte Lieder dürfen in den regionalen Vorrunden gesungen werden. Um einen neuen Song in nur einem Monat zu schreiben, begeben sich die Mädchen auf einen Camping-Trip in den Bergen! Natürlich ist ihre Bleibe eine Hütte von Makis Familie.
A new rule is introduced to Love Live in which contestants in the preliminary rounds must perform songs that haven't debuted yet, so μ's decide to hold another training camp at one of Maki's villas in the mountains in order to come up with a new song. As Maki, Umi, and Kotori find themselves in a creative slump because of the pressure, the girls form camping groups of three to help them come up with ideas for music, lyrics, and costumes, but even then they have trouble keeping focused. However, after hearing some encouragement from their friends, Maki, Umi, and Kotori gain the drive to come up with a new song overnight.
Pour participer aux éliminatoires du Love Live, il faut absolument un morceau original. Rien de tel que de se mettre au vert pour trouver l'inspiration.
러브라이브 예선 엔트리 폭주를 해소하기 위해 주최측은 기존곡을 불허한다. 이 일로 발등에 불이 떨어진 뮤즈는 신곡을 짜기 위해 합숙을 떠나는데... 작사 작곡 의상의 중심을 맡고 있는 우미 마키 코토리가 그만 슬럼프에 빠져 버린다.
Las chicas llegan a un hermoso destino con el fin de prepararse para Love Live. Se dividirán en grupos con diferentes responsabilidades, aunque algunas pasarán por situaciones incómodas.