Wahlan orders his fleet to investigate after learning of fleet movements inside the Iserlohn corridor. On the Imperial side of the corridor, Julian approaches Imperial admiral Wagenseil's fleet. Using strike craft and a slow withdrawal strategy, Julian infuriates Wagenseil. The Wagenseil fleet is lured into range of the Iserlohn Thor hammer cannon and loses a large portion its ships. Wahlan's fleet tries to attack Iserlohn from the back before the Thor hammer recharges. Merkatz ambushes Wahlan's fleet from a blind spot while Julean approaches from around the fortress, executing a pincer formation. The Thor hammer fires two more times, causing massive damage to the pincered Wahlan fleet. Reinhard prepares for a counterattack from Phezzan, but is bedridden with a high fever.
イゼルローン軍出撃! だが、帝国軍の予想に反してイゼルローン軍は帝国本土方面に向かった。それは、新領土の帝国軍を要塞主砲の射程に誘い込むためのユリアンの作戦だった。本土方面のヴァーゲンザイル艦隊と戦いつつ、新領土側のワーレン艦隊が近づくタイミングを測った彼は、メルカッツ艦隊と連携して“雷神の鎚”で両面の敵に損害を与えることに成功する。勝利に沸き立つイゼルローンだが、これでラインハルトとの決戦は不可避となる。