Inogashira (Matsushige Yutaka) who was at a shopping district in Hatanodai, entered a traditional cafe called "Attic" to check his email messages. He reads one from a Finnish friend who requested him to look into how a particular old bathhouse in Tokyo was reused for other business purposes. After having thoroughly enjoyed a good old "cream soda", he arrived at the bathhouse. The owner Todo (Kamio Yu) showed him around the place while Goro took pictures to send to his friend in Finland. While reviewing the photos on his digital camera, he chanced upon old pics of the time he spent in Paris. It also reminded him of Sayuki, who once confessed to him before... Then, Goro felt hungry. He saw a shop with the Spanish national flag in front. Its red signboard said "Spanish Diner, Ishii." Wile Goro was ushered in by the wife (Hitomi Sato), he got startled by loud popping sounds from the kitchen. He looked at the menu and was pleased to see that there are offers of half-sized dishes, too. Soon, Goro indulged himself in a one-man fiesta of Spanish cuisine: zarzuela, squid ink paella, albondigas, huevos revueltos, etc...
住宅街から、大通りに店を探しながら歩いているとスペインの国旗が目に入る。赤色の看板には「スペイン料理 石井」の文字が。五郎は「よし、突っ込んでいこうじゃないか…」と闘牛の如く店に突進する。店の奥さん(佐藤仁美)に案内され、メニューを開くと、厨房の奥からバチバチと何かがはじける大きな音が響き、思わず五郎はビクついてしまう。気を取り直して店内を見渡すとスペインの様々な地方の料理や定番料理の文字が並ぶ。さらに壁には「ハーフサイズもあります」の文字が。 五郎はハーフサイズで攻めようと決める。まず現れたのは刻んだ生ハムとニンニクにオイルがたっぷりのった「長谷川さんこだわりのマッシュルームの鉄板焼き」。さらにイベリコ豚のサラミのスクランブルエッグ「サルシッチョンのレヴェルト」、熱々のトマト味のソースとタラの旨味がギュッと凝縮された「タラのアリオリソース焼き」、さっぱり味の「ニンジンのサラダ」が続々と登場する。
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견학을 끝마친 고로는 하타노다이에서 식당을 찾는다.
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