Shōji tells Masaru that Sadayoshi was not his son, and that he and Angelina started to create their own marionettes. The shirogane, Dean Maistre arrived to pick up the marionettes for Lucille, and they later adopted Dean as their son, naming him Sadayoshi. However some time later, Angelina became pregnant. Back in the present, Guy arrives at the underground room and tells Masaru the story of how he contracted Zonapha and was abandoned by his mother and how Lucille turned him into a shirogane. Years later, Lucille sent him on a mission to see Angelina at Kuroga village and extract her "Soft Stone" to convert Zonapha sufferers into shirogane. Angelina refused to give up the stone and used Arlequin to fight Guy's Olympia, defeating him, but then welcomed him into her household. Then, another Shōji memory shows Masaru how Shōji encountered the Francine automaton whose creator abandoned her because she could not laugh. Shōji adjusted her to make her less powerful and took her home to meet Angelina who welcomed her. Shortly thereafter, Angelina gave birth to Éléonore.
Masaru continue de voyager à travers les souvenirs de Shoji. Il y voit Shoji boire l'Aqua Vitae et décider de vivre avec Angelina. Avec elle à ses côtés, Shoji se consacre à la conception de marionnettes pour aider les shiroganés. Le couple reçoit la visite de Dean Maîstre, venu de France sur les ordres de Lucille pour fournir les marionnettes de Shoji aux shiroganés du monde entier.
Masaru continua il suo viaggio nei ricordi di Shoji, nei quali lo vede bere l'Aqua Vitae e decidere di vivere con Angelina. Con lei al suo fianco, Shoji si dedica allo studio delle marionette, per aiutare gli shirogane. La coppia riceve poi la visita di un uomo, Dean Maistre, che su ordine di Lucille è giunto dalla Francia per aiutare Shoji a fornire marionette agli shirogane di tutto il mondo.
Masaru continua sua viagem pelas memórias de Shoji. Ele vê Shoji beber a Aqua Vitae e decidir viver com Angelina. Com ela ao seu lado, Shoji dedica-se à criação de marionetes para auxiliar os shiroganes. Certo dia, eles são visitados por um homem chamado Dean Maistre, que veio da França, sob ordens de Lucille, a fim de ajudar a distribuir as marionetes de Shoji a shiroganes ao redor do mundo.