Die beiden Tatsumi-Zwillingsbrüder werden als Drachen- und Schlangenkrieger für das Juni Taisen bestimmt, doch wie wir wissen hat dieses Duo nicht lange Bestand. Der jüngere Bruder, die Schlange, macht selbst im Tod den anderen Kriegern das Leben schwer.
The warrior of the snake, the Tatsumi brothers, and the younger brother are dangerous people who profess to have been arsonists if they were not warriors. The condemned brothers, who are absolutely confident in the combination of twins, used to "play" to test their strength when they were boys.
The condemned brother / brother remembers being helped by his brother in the final "play" that day when he learned that one of them was destined to die after participating in the Twelve Wars. Now, in front of him who has arrived at the venue of the Twelve Wars, a rabbit warrior, Usagi, appears and proposes to become a "friend".
Avant la guerre du zodiaque, le serpent et le dragon étaient des jumeaux qui se faisaient concurrence dans chaque délit qu’ils mettaient en œuvre. Mais depuis, le serpent est devenu la marionnette du lapin…
Il guerriero del Serpente, il minore dei fratelli Tatsumi, è un individuo pericoloso che sarebbe diventato un piromane, se non avesse intrapreso la carriera del guerriero. Sulla strada per il Juni Taisen, si ricorda del giorno in cui il fratello gli aveva salvato la vita, poco prima di scoprire che solo uno dei due avrebbe potuto sopravvivere al torneo.
십이대전에 참가하게 된 타츠미 형제는 자신들 중의 한 명은 죽을 운명임을 알게 된다. 타츠미 형제의 동생이자 '사'의 전사는 형이 자신의 목숨을 구해준 날을 떠올린다.
십이대전의 행사장에 도착한 그들 앞에 '묘'의 전사 우사기가 나타나서 친구가 되자고 하는데...
A parceria entre o Dragão e a Cobra já dura inúmeras gerações. Os guerreiros atuais têm a maior compatibilidade já vista entre as duas casas, e o Coelho deseja que eles virem seus amigos. Já o Boi negocia com a Guerreira do Tigre.
La Juni Taisen sigue adelante con sus duelos, pero antes la historia se centrará en los guerreros del Dragón y la Serpiente antes de su participación en el combate.
تمّ اختيارهما كممثّلين عن التنّين والأفعى. الأخوان التوأمان الأكثر انسجاماً والأجدر لبيتِ تاتسومي، يقتلان لأجلِ المال، ولا شيء آخر سوى المال. يُرسلان للمشاركةِ في جوني تايسِن فهل يفيدهما تعاونهما المثاليّ أمام ثلّة من أشرس المحاربين؟ في هذه الأثناء، يستمرّ الأرنب في افتراس المحاربين وتحويلهم إلى أصدقاء، وأمّا الثور والقرد...