PayPayDuck因提倡電子人情和帛金,被重視傳統的道德組織猛烈抨擊,阿信因為不善應對傳媒,再加上奇怪的“七號台”事件,令PayPayDuck遇上一連串的公關危機。 Cathy Ho受到黃金開父親的壓力,誓要改進阿信的公關技巧。而另一方面,Billie和Shirley為SheIT籌備新的活動,兩人亦生成分歧……
When a forum leads to a heated discussion between Nim Shun and the chairman of a charity organization, Nim Shun and PayPayDuck's reputation is ruined. Nim Shun tries to salvage the situation his way instead of relying on PR methods, but it only worsens things. Meanwhile, Lou hits another dead end when his dirty tricks almost backfire.