黃金開的水母創投慘被其父“關水喉”,連Cathy 也被離開他投,PayPayDuck無法取得第二期的融資,陷入財困危機,阿信等人只得四出撲水。但就在此時,阿Lou竟向阿信發起侵權訴訟,令PayPayDuck的潛在投資者卻步。 Tony打算以廣告開源,更無意中令PayPayDuck陷入更大的危機……以另一邊廂,被財政封鎖的黃金開正在過著他的“平民”生活……
When Hoi Hoi's dad decides to stop injecting capital into PayPayDuck, Nim Shun and the team need to find new investors. Just when they think things are going their way, PayPayDuck is slapped with a copyright infringement lawsuit. With a tight cash flow, Nim Shun decides to accept business tasks from his old company.