PayPayDuck資金短缺,苦惱的阿信與Kenneth決定尋找新金主,就在這段期間,Johnny仔在煩侵權案,Never成功研發 TouchWood App;Billy巧遇做社會服務令的Marcus;Billie舊同事前來和解,讓Billie萌生了保障女IT人的念頭。找不到投資者的阿信徹底失望,卻竟收到Cathy Ho的電話,表示有金主對PaypayDuck有興趣,而該位金主竟然是黃金開!
With PayPayDuck running short of funds, Kenneth encourages Nim Shun to look for investors to help sustain the business. After numerous failed attempts, Nim Shun receives a call from someone he least expects, and he has to decide whether or not to accept the offer. Meanwhile, Billie is working on her advocacy group to educate women in the IT industry and to promote gender equality in the workplace.