經黃金開的注資,PayPayDuck正式成為市值二千萬的Start-Up,但身為金主的黃金開卻要來到PayPayDuck當Intern,不但為眾人製造許多麻煩,黃金開更對蒙玲有好感!安頓好黃金開之後,PaypayDuck眾人又迎來另一危機,Kenneth哥哥Joseph(黃寶漳 飾)竟回來要跟Kennth搶BornHub!另一邊廂,Shirley亦主動提出加入Billie的女權組織SheIT,不知在盤算什麼。
An investor agrees to invest in PayPayDuck, transforming it into a company with a market value of 20 million dollars. But it comes with an extra condition that Nim Shun and the team have to accept, which is to take in an intern. Meanwhile, Kenneth is on the verge of losing Born Hub when his brother returns with an ulterior motive that forces Kenneth to choose between his friends and his brother.