經Shirley婚禮一役之後,聲名盡喪的Paypayduck意外獲得環保KOL Charlotte(倪晨曦 飾)青睞,為她的婚禮收取電子人情。阿信等人落力籌備,Billy更請來最強Hacker“東邪”(李靖筠 飾)幫忙,但後來卻發現Paypayduck因有人被制裁而沒法使用大公司的Cloud Service!同時間,Cathy Ho離開數據港,轉到新公司任職新職位。
When Nim Shun learns that a user didn't delete the PayPayDuck app, he approaches that person. To his surprise, that user, Charlotte, is a famous Internet celebrity who happens to be interested in his app and mistaken PayPayDuck for an eco-friendly business. Desperate to get her to use their app, the team does whatever they can to convince Charlotte that their company is an environmentally conscious business.