As Tony tries to learn more about the whereabouts of Yinsen, Laboratory #23 is attacked by a virus which causes the robotic cleaners to go berserk and greatly reduces the temperature in the complex. Tony and Chika try to shut out the virus with a firewall, but this allows the virus to infect computers around the city and even takes over some fighter jets. In order to lure the culprit out and protect the Arc Station, Tony takes the virus into the Iron Man armor in order to fight it. Hearing Tony's promise to protect people, the culprit, a boy named Sho who was approached by Zodiac, is reminded of his promise to his late mother to protect others and destroys the virus. As Iron Man returns, he is attacked by more Zodiac mechs but is saved by someone piloting a new armor.
Mientras Tony intenta aprender más sobre el paradero de Yinsen, el Laboratorio # 23 es atacado por un virus que hace que los limpiadores robóticos se vuelvan locos y reduce en gran medida la temperatura en el complejo. Tony y Chika intentan bloquear el virus con un firewall, pero esto permite que el virus infecte computadoras en la ciudad e incluso se apodere de algunos aviones de combate.
Alors que Tony tente d'en savoir plus sur la localisation de Yinsen, le laboratoire n ° 23 est attaqué par un virus qui rend les robots nettoyeurs furieux et réduit considérablement la température dans le complexe. Tony et Chika tentent d'éliminer le virus avec un pare-feu.