Act 3 starts off with Takumi driving on Akina after finishing his tofu deliveries upon returning home Takumi informs his father that he will be doing the deliveries for the next few days due to the fact that the team will be having another away match this week their next targets are a team called The Toudou Racing School A special school for driving techniques run by a car shop owner and ex-rally driver.The opponents are Daiki with his Honda Civic EK-9 on the downhill and Sakai with his Honda Integra DC2 Type R on the uphill.This whole episode is just everyone preparing for the up coming battles and ends with Ryosuke giving Takumi a little bit of advice for his race.
Alors que Takumi s'attelle à sa tâche habituelle de livraison de tofu, il raconte à son père qu'il tient à s'entraîner avec sérieux pour la prochaine course. Les prochains adversaires du " Project D " sont la team Toudou School, une écurie fondée par un ancien pilote professionnel et qui enseigne le pilotage à des jeunes depuis plusieurs années.
Proyecto D ahora se ha encontrado cara a cara con los corredores de la Escuela de Todo . Esta vez, Todo va a usar sus estudiantes de carreras comodín, Daiki Ninomiya con su EK9 y sonriente Sakai con su DC2 , ya que usarán sus habilidades aprendidas en su objetivo de convertirse en pilotos profesionales. La presión en el equipo del Proyecto D's ha comenzado, ya que no hay tiempo para cometer errores si las batallas futuras van a ser así.
이번 프로젝트 D의 상대는 명성이 자자한 토도 아카데미였다. 토도 아카데미는 드라이빙 테크닉을 극한까지 추구하며 프로도 배출했다는 강적 집단. 타쿠미의 86의 상대는 토도 아카데미에서도 손꼽히는 실력자, 니노미야 다이키의 EK9이었다.
才刚成立不久Project D,第二站就挑上了实力很强劲的东堂塾车队。不只佑一不看好拓海,连D本身技术人员史浩都觉得情况似乎不太对劲。但此时拓海却仍然一派轻松态度,并且乐在其中,此举倒让紧张气氛缓和了不少…然而东堂塾态度之不屑,也让Project D大开眼界。尽管如此,Project D分工之细腻也让东堂塾大开眼界。至於比赛正式开始后刮目相看就更不话下了…