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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Spin Fun Knowin' Ya

    • December 24, 1999

    Spin Fun is the very first Happy Tree Friends episode! This show introduces the core character group and also sets up the theme of "innocent mayhem" that runs throughout the entire series. Lumpy is spinning the gang on a merry-go-round, only to have things spiral out of control. A clip of this show was seen in Jennifer Aniston's movie, "The Good Girl."

  • S01E02 House Warming

    • December 31, 1999

    Petunia's new house is finally finished, and the house warming party's hot! Really hot! Really, really...EVERYONE OUT!

  • S01E03 Helping Helps

    • January 7, 2000

    Poor Giggles has broken her leg and has to walk in crutches, and now she has to run in crutches because she's right in front of a huge tidal wave! Will Splendid the Flying Squirrel save her in time?

  • S01E04 Crazy Ant-ics

    • January 28, 2000

    Sniffles the anteater is about to dine on some yummy ants straight from the hill. Little does he know he'll be having his tongue handed back to him, or will he?

  • S01E05 Havin' A Ball

    • February 4, 2000

    A game of catch turns into SPLAT as Pop and Cub try to retrieve a ball, through heavy traffic.

  • S01E06 Water You Wading For?

    • February 11, 2000

    Cuddles and Flaky go to the old swimmin' hole. Then get eaten whole.

  • S01E07 Nuttin' Wrong With Candy!

    • February 18, 2000

    Vending Machines can be so cruel when the thing you want gets stuck, but that won't stop Nutty from getting his money's worth.

  • S01E08 Wheelin' and Dealin'

    • February 18, 2000

    A wacky race gets wackier when Lifty and Shifty scheme, cheat and snicker their way first place!

  • S01E09 Pitchin' Impossible

    • March 3, 2000

    What's more fun than trying your luck at midway games? It might be harder than you think if you can't see, but Mole gives it his best shot and wins a squeezable prize!

  • S01E10 Stayin' Alive!

    • March 10, 2000

    Introducing Disco Bear, that lovable beast that never grew out of the '70s. His flirtatious ways get him in a heap o' trouble with Giggles and Petunia! Lucky for him that disco never really died.

  • S01E11 Treasure These Idol Moments

    • March 14, 2000

    The gang that plays together... dies together! The idol makes a starring appearance in this show and proves just how dangerous it can be to play with hidden treasures. Some fans think this episode was based on the Brady Bunch (remember their vacation in Hawaii?), and others say Raiders of the Lost Ark. What do you think?

  • S01E12 Chip Off the Ol' Block

    • May 3, 2000

    Ah, the smell of fresh cut grass... and blood and guts. When your parents tell you not to stick your hands in the machinery, you better listen! Oh, and don't play with fire either. It's really, really dangerous!

  • S01E13 Nuttin' but the Tooth

    • May 19, 2000

    Did Toothy go to dental school or is he just learning as he goes? Nutty's candy cravings lead to a rotten tooth, and it's Toothy to the rescue. Lumpy makes a brief appearance, just in time to save the day!

  • S01E14 Hide and Seek

    • May 26, 2000

    Be prepared for your first introduction to Flippy, the troubled war vet bear who suffers regular flashbacks. Flippy is the only Happy Tree Friend that intentionally inflicts harm on his fellow friends, which is how an innocent game of hide and seek turns deadly.

  • S01E15 Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    • June 2, 2000

    When Russel the Pirate decides to do a little fishing, he ends up with a "snag" in his line.

  • S01E16 Boo Do You Think You Are?

    • June 9, 2000

    Our first Halloween episode proves that Flaky really does have something to be scared about! A haunted house ride turns a little too real for our Happy gang. Maybe they should have gone trick-or-treating instead!

  • S01E17 Mime and Mime Again

    • June 16, 2000

    Sweet Mime is just trying to bring joy to injured Toothy, but he can't quite get it right. Making balloon animals is harder than it looks! By the way, do you know what kind of animal Mime is?

  • S01E18 You're Baking Me Crazy

    • June 23, 2000

    Trying hard to sell cookies for her troop, Giggles walks into a Lumpy disaster and gets more than she bargained for. Never bake and iron at the same time. Didn't your mother teach you anything???

  • S01E19 Tongue Twister Trouble

    • June 30, 2000

    A leisurely ice skate goes horribly wrong in this snowy Happy Tree Friends episode. The ants once again take revenge on Sniffles the anteater. He just can't get a break!

  • S01E20 Meat Me for Lunch

    • March 2, 2001

    The kleptomaniac raccoon brothers are at it again, stealing meat from Lumpy the butcher. They learn the hard way that crime doesn't pay, and Petunia ends up with the just desserts.

  • S01E21 Sweet Ride

    • March 10, 2001

    That Nutty just can't resist a sweet treat! Luckily Cuddles is smooth on the skateboard and out-maneuvers Nutty at every turn. His last trick is a head-roller!

  • S01E22 It's a Snap

    • March 17, 2001

    Lumpy manages to get in all sorts of trouble, and this episode is no exception. Splendid does his best to save Lumpy from certain death, but it just doesn't turn out exactly the way he planned. Why would a moose eat cheese anyway?

  • S01E23 Off the Hook

    • March 24, 2001

    Lumpy's relaxing day of fishing is anything but fun for Russell the sea otter pirate! Swimming along, eating clams, Russell gets caught -- hook, line and sinker!

  • S01E24 Spare Me

    • March 31, 2001

    Bowling. What could be more fun than bowling with a gang of friends? Well, if one of them is blind and the other has no hands, it may not be so much fun after all. Maybe they should have used the guard rails on those lanes?

  • S01E25 Snow What? That's What!

    • April 7, 2001

    Building snowmen, making snow angels and throwing snow balls are fun winter activities for our cuddly gang. But what do you do when one friend is trapped solid in a block of ice? Giggles finds out in a hurry!

  • S01E26 This is Your Knife

    • April 14, 2001

    It's so much fun to go camping and roast marshmallows with your friends! But sparks soon fly as Flippy warps into his post-traumatic alter-ego. Remember those horror stories you told around the campfire? Watch out, cause this one comes true!

  • S01E27 Happy Trails (Part 1)

    • October 20, 2001

    School's out and it's time to go home and play! It's no surprise that trouble abounds on the school bus and Lumpy just can't pull it together to save the gang from harm. What happens to our lovable cast? Do they survive? Will they return? Our only cliffhanger episode leaves fans clamoring for more!

Season 2

  • S02E01 Happy Trails (Part 2: Jumping the Shark)

    • September 1, 2002

    Castaway on a deserted island, the gang must figure out how to get home. They battle sharks, sinking life boats and out-of-control rockets just to make it back to their favorite forest. Do they succeed? Tune in to Part Two to find out!

  • S02E02 Eye Candy

    • September 8, 2002

    One of our most requested episodes, Eye Candy has a high degree of cringe factor! What is it about the eyes that make people squirm so much? It's hard to watch Eye Candy without a real physical reaction, but that's the beauty of this episode. Eye Candy won a prize at the Annecy Film Festival in France and continues to be a real fan favorite.

  • S02E03 Rink Hijink

    • September 15, 2002

    Remember how fun it was to go to roller skating? Flaky tries her luck on the rink and Disco Bear shows off his fancy twirls. Meanwhile, Lumpy ends up in a jam and Cub wins a one-of-a-kind prize at an arcade game.

  • S02E04 Flippin' Burgers

    • September 22, 2002

    Fast food is an integral part of our culture, and it's no different in the world of Happy Tree Friends. Yes, they might use different condiments than we do, but even fluffy cute creatures have to eat. Did you want extra sauce with that? Good eatin'!

  • S02E05 Get Whale Soon

    • September 29, 2002

    Funny how these two characters end up in another wet, dark, disastrous situation! Stranded in the belly of a whale, Lumpy and Russell pool their resources to find a way out. Will they get eaten alive or do they find their way to freedom? It's an adventure you don't want to miss!

  • S02E06 Snip, Snip Hooray!

    • October 6, 2002

    Pop cuts Cub's hair, among other things...

  • S02E07 Eyes Cold Lemonade

    • October 13, 2002

    Petunia and Giggles' lemonade stand turns into a lemonade fall-on-everyone.

  • S02E08 Milkin' It

    • October 20, 2002

    Things are not as simple as they seem down on the farm. Lifty and Shifty make off with Lumpy's cow, only to get tangled up in some electrifying events.

  • S02E09 Out of Sight, Out of Mime

    • October 27, 2002

    Mime goes Trick-or-Treating at The Mole's house. Not a good idea...

  • S02E10 Class Act

    • November 3, 2002

    The Happy Tree Friends yell "FIRE!" during a Christmas play.

  • S02E11 The Way You Make Me Wheel

    • December 8, 2002

    Lumpy's late for work and tries to save time by shaving while driving. Big mistake? Nah. Handy's got it all under control... or does he???

  • S02E12 Better Off Bread

    • April 20, 2003

    Splendid the Superhero is making bread when he suddenly senses trouble in the neighborhood! Can he save his furry friends in time?

  • S02E13 I Get a Trick Out of You

    • April 27, 2003

    Lumpy the magician does the saw someone in half trick on Cuddles and gets him sliced.

  • S02E14 Shard at Work

    • May 4, 2003

    Handy tries to screw in a light bulb but screws up in the end.

  • S02E15 Water Way to Go

    • May 11, 2003

    Pop and Cub go to the beach for some sun, sand, and a sea of blood.

  • S02E16 Out on a Limb

    • May 18, 2003

    Lumberjack Lumpy yells "Timber!" then help!

  • S02E17 Keepin' It Reel

    • June 8, 2003

    When the Happy Tree Friends go to the movies, they're expecting their money's worth.. but what happens when Flippy accompanies them?

  • S02E18 A Hard Act to Swallow

    • September 21, 2003

    Sniffles the Anteater can't help but eat the ants, and the ants set out to make him regret it.

  • S02E19 Let it Slide

    • September 28, 2003

    The gang goes swimming at the local water park for some slips, slides and severs.

  • S02E20 Icy You

    • August 3, 2004

    Nutty, with his usual large sugar tooth, takes it upon himself to test out the new slushie machine. However, a series of events makes him regret this as the coldness really puts him into his place.

  • S02E21 Hello Dolly

    • August 3, 2004

    Petunia finds a statue in the park and picks it up to take with her. This statue starts to wreak some unexpected havoc.

  • S02E22 Remains to be Seen

    • September 27, 2004

    Trick-or-treating takes a beating when Flippy flips and runs over all the Happy Tree Friends while transporting some nuclear waste. Lumpy gives everyone a proper burial, but it seems no one is ready yet as they've all been turned into zombies!!

  • S02E23 Stealing the Spotlight

    • November 9, 2004

    Lumpy tries to outbest Pop in a battle of the brightest, in Christmas lights decorations! Who will hold the candle?

  • S02E24 Ski Ya, Wouldn't Want to be Ya!

    • December 12, 2004

    Get ready for thrills, chills, and spills when the show goes downhill, when Flaky skis down a hill, that is.

  • S02E25 Blind Date

    • February 22, 2005

    Mole, who is blind, is set up on a blind date. However, disaster and awkwardness occur on this particular one. How does this turn out for Mole and his date?

  • S02E26 Suck It Up!

    • September 8, 2005

    Poor Sniffles has the sniffles. Now the ants can have their fun and take his cookies, too. But Sniffles still has a few tricks up his sleeve, or rather, his nose when he brings out a new contraption to rid those pesky little ants.

  • S02E27 From A to Zoo (Part 1)

    • December 15, 2005

    The Happy Tree Friends are on a field trip to the zoo! And the fun starts when Lumpy loses track of the kids!

  • S02E28 From A to Zoo (Part 2)

    • December 15, 2005

    Lumpy attempts to gather the kids back onto the bus to conclude their field trip.

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5 - Still Alive

Season 6 - Love Bites

  • S06E01 Cold Hearted

    • June 12, 2009

    Giggles sits on a park bench with Cro-Marmot standing next to her as both watch a beautiful sunset. Giggles looks at him coyly, while a drip of water rolls down Cro-Marmot's ice, indicating that he is nervous. She leans in to kiss him when Toothy hits her with a snowball, causing Giggles' face to get stuck to Cro-Marmot's block of ice. As she pulls her face off the ice, her eyes are ripped out of their sockets. Giggles falls to the ground and runs away, screaming in pain while another drop of water rolls down Cro-Marmot's block of ice.

  • S06E02 Sea of Love

    • June 12, 2009

    Russell and Giggles are romantically cuddling each other on a boat while watching the sunset. As the water clears, Russell sees that there are many beautiful flowers floating over a reef. He dives into the water and starts collecting flowers for Giggles, but as he does, he grabs the lure of an anglerfish. At first confused at the menacing beast, Russell laughs when he sees that the fish is seemingly harmless, only for it to tear the skin off his face. Russell releases the other flowers and screams underwater, causing him to drown off screen due to his torn-off face skin or even possibly be eaten.

  • S06E03 I Heart U

    • June 12, 2009

    Petunia is sitting on a tree stump, plucking flower petals, when Mime comes walking by and spots her. Mime and Petunia look at each other affectionately and Petunia turns away, giggling shyly. Mime draws an imaginary dotted-line heart with his fingers and blows it towards Petunia. She opens her arms to receive it, but it shatters to pieces upon touching her, puncturing her face. Not noticing her pain, Mime shoots a dotted-line arrow at Petunia, piercing her eye and killing her. Mime is shocked upon noticing that Petunia is dead.

  • S06E04 On My Mind

    • June 12, 2009

    The short begins with Flippy and Giggles sitting at a table outside a diner, staring lovingly into each other's eyes. Flippy then gives Giggles a rose, which she highly adores. Flippy then decides to celebrate their relationship by opening a bottle of champagne. Unfortunately, when he pops the cork off, he is instantly reminded of a gunshot and flips out. As Giggles happily holds her rose, Fliqpy grabs it and yanks it roughly from her hand, tearing off the skin on her hand. As Giggles screams in horror, he rams the rose through the side of her head. As Giggles screams loudly in pain, Fliqpy makes a flossing motion with the rose, tearing away at Giggles' brain until she eventually dies.

  • S06E05 My Better Half

    • June 12, 2009

    Riding in a wooden swan, Petunia and Handy are on a lovely Tunnel of Love ride. All is peaceful until Petunia notices some floating logs on the water stream. Later, Handy sees a swan ride on the shore nearby, sliced in half. Neither of them knows what is going on until Handy gets sliced vertically by a saw on a sawmill right in their path, while Petunia can only scream in horror.

Season 7 - Smoochies

Season 8 - Kringles

  • S08E01 Reindeer Kringle

    • December 8, 2002

    Petunia is walking in the snow when she comes across a scrawny reindeer. Filled with awe, she walks up behind it and admires it. All of a sudden, the reindeer begins mercilessly kicking her in the face with it’s powerful hind legs. Petunia's teeth are smashed out and blood covers her mouth. She then falls on the floor, unconscious or possibly dead. Just before the short ends, the reindeer then kicks her in the face one last time.

  • S08E02 Kringle Tree

    • December 8, 2002

    An axe-toting Lumpy and Giggles are standing beside a tree in the middle of a forest. It starts sparkling and Giggles looks at it in awe. Deciding that this is the tree that they want, Lumpy puts his axe down, spits in his hand twice, and rubs them together. Lumpy picks up the axe, closes his eyes, and swings it against the tree with all of his might, producing a squishing noise. Lumpy opens his eyes and looks on in shock, as he realizes that he hit Giggles in the face with the axe, mutilating her. Before the episode ends, Giggles' left eye slowly rolls out onto the axe and falls to the ground.

  • S08E03 Kringle Feast

    • December 8, 2002

    In a small cottage, in the light of the fireplace, everything is set for Christmas. The camera pans to show stockings hung with care, a fully decorated Christmas tree, and presents on the floor. Also on the floor is Cub, lying next to his toy train, presumably fast asleep. As the camera keeps panning, Giggles is shown, appearing to be tired out from the excitement of Christmas and sleeping on an armchair. As the cameras move further into the room, something is revealed to be amiss. Toothy and Cuddles lie their heads on the table, eyes open and faces twisted in a mix of pain and discomfort. Nearby, a pair of green legs (which belong to Lifty and Shifty), are thrust in the air, revealing that he potentially died from asphyxiation (though this is debatable that he may just be passed out). Inside the kitchen, next to a passed-out Petunia who was carrying a now-shattered plate to the dining room, a frustrated Lumpy has his head in the oven. He tries in vain to start up his lighter so he c

  • S08E04 Kringle Karols

    • October 14, 2000

    On a snowy moonlit night, four shadowy figures ascend a hill up to a lone house. From inside, a knock is heard. Through the point of view of the person inside the house, the door opens to reveal Cuddles, Giggles, Toothy, and Lumpy standing on the porch, holding candles. The group begins singing in a rather off-key fashion, prompting the person inside to slam the door in their faces. A splat is suddenly heard, Giggles begins screaming, and there is a frantic knock on the door. The door opens again to show Cuddles now on his back, his face having been impaled by a rather large icicle hanging over the porch. Toothy tries in vain to revive his dead friend while Giggles continues screaming, her candle apparently setting her head on fire. In the background Lumpy runs away, screaming in fear.

  • S08E05 Ski Kringle

    • February 5, 2003

    Toothy and Sniffles happily finish making a snowman, when suddenly part of the snowman explodes. Toothy and Sniffles get knocked away, while a hole in the shape of Lumpy holding two ski poles gets knocked in the snowman. Lumpy continues skiing expertly down the hill, finally coming to a stop with an intense expression. He looks down and is shocked to find Toothy and Sniffles impaled on his skis. He tries shaking Sniffles off, and then resorts to trying to wipe his body from the ski onto a log.

  • S08E06 Kringle Presents

    • December 8, 2002

    Cub sits in front of his Christmas tree, surrounded by presents, intently watching a toy train move along a circular track. As he laughs and marvels at his toy, a drop of drool slowly drips from his mouth towards the electric track. The drool finally touches the track, causing Cub to get badly electrocuted. He falls facedown on the track, causing the still-moving train to hit and go through his head. The train continues moving, now with Cub's eyes and pieces of his brain sitting in some of the train's cars.

  • S08E07 Strain Kringle

    • December 8, 2002

    On a winter day, Toothy stands behind a snow fort while Cuddles keeps an eye out for people to ambush up above on a tree branch, with a telescope. Cuddles spies Lumpy walking along and tells Toothy to throw a snowball at him, which he does. Lumpy is hit by the snowball and grumbles angrily at the two. Instead of retaliating by throwing another snowball, however, Lumpy decides to throw a rock at them. Toothy notices it coming towards him, so he puts a spaghetti strainer on his head for protection. The rock bounces off the strainer and flies upwards, hitting Cuddles' telescope and knocking it into his eye. Cuddles' body then falls out of the tree, landing on top of Toothy, forcing his body through the holes on the strainer he placed on his head.

  • S08E08 Chill Kringle

    • December 8, 2002

    The short begins with Petunia ice skating, trying to keep her balance on the ice. Just as she steadies herself, Cro-Marmot comes in and knocks her away. She ends up falling down a snowy slope, getting trapped in a snowball. At the bottom of the cliff, Mime is seen making a snowman. The snowball Petunia is trapped in rolls next to Mime. Seeing this, Mime places a smaller snowball on top, puts in coal for eyes, a carrot for a nose, and two sticks into the torso (i.e. Petunia's snowball) for arms. He looks at his work in satisfaction. Later, as the snow is starting to melt, Mime is hard at work shoveling the snow on his driveway. He looks over to his snowman, and much to his horror, the snowman (which has melted and frozen over, turning it into ice) reveals that Petunia died during the process of Mime making his snowman. Petunia is encased in the ice, with one of the sticks shoved down her throat, and the other having staked her eyes out. Cro-Marmot sees this and, "falling in love", for

  • S08E09 Sight Kringle

    • December 7, 2010

    The short starts with Giggles standing next to a Christmas tree, marvelling at all of the Christmas lights. She notices that one of the lights is starting to flicker. She puts her eye close to it to investigate the problem, when suddenly, the bulb pops, resulting in the shards impaling her face. As Giggles screams and shouts in pain, she runs away. At that moment, all the other lights pop and burn out.

  • S08E10 Star Kringle

    • December 7, 2010

    The Kringle begins with Cuddles, Giggles, and Toothy decorating a Christmas tree for the upcoming holiday. Cuddles is about to finish it off by placing the star on top. Unfortunately, the decoration slips from Cuddles' hand and falls on top of Toothy, impaling his head. Toothy lets off a death rattle before falling down, dead.

  • Episodic Special

    SPECIAL 0x82 Happy Tree Friends x Dumb Ways to Die

    • October 19, 2024

    Like peanut butter and jelly-- Happy Tree Friends is smushed together with Dumb Ways to Die in this powerhouse collab! Two great oozy, sticky treats brought together to form one delicious episode! Get on board as characters from both worlds collide on a one-way track to AWESOME!

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Banjo Frenzy

    • May 15, 1999

    The pilot episode created in 1999 featured early versions of Lumpy, Giggles, Cuddles, and Toothy. A dinosaur plays a banjo, while a squirrel, rabbit, and beaver sit down and watch. One of the dinosaur's banjo strings breaks, making the onlookers laugh. Enraged, the dinosaur decapitates the squirrel, vertically slices the rabbit in half, and decapitates the beaver. All of a sudden, the beaver's severed head comes back to life and bites the dinosaur's leg, causing the dinosaur to scream in pain.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Intimate Spotlight

    • October 14, 2003

    A reporter interviews Cro-Marmot. She asks questions to him, but all to no response due to Cro-Marmot being frozen. They then run out of time, and as the credits roll, the reporter fumes over getting no response.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Dino-Sore Days

    • August 4, 2004

    An animated short film featuring the character Cro-Marmot in prehistoric times. It features him eating a dead dinosaur. However, he mistakenly bites on the tail of a living tyrannosaurus. The angry tyrannosaurus then proceeds to attack Cro-Marmot by tearing him to shreds. Cro-Marmot escapes but then gets eaten by a giant pterodactyl.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Mole in the City

    • January 1, 2005
  • SPECIAL 0x5 Ski Patrol

    • June 1, 2005
  • SPECIAL 0x6 Winter Break

    • January 1, 2005
  • SPECIAL 0x7 YouTube Live

    • January 1, 2006
  • SPECIAL 0x8 The Carpal Tunnel of Love (Fall Out Boy)

    • January 1, 2007
  • SPECIAL 0x9 Asbestos I Can Do

    • January 1, 2008
  • SPECIAL 0x10 False Alarm

    • January 1, 2008
  • SPECIAL 0x11 Under The Skin

    • January 1, 2009
  • SPECIAL 0x12 Milk Pong Game

    • January 1, 2009
  • SPECIAL 0x13 YouTube 101 Subscriptions

    • January 1, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x14 Lumpy's Lame Card Trick

    • January 1, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x15 YouTube Copyright School

    • January 1, 2011
  • SPECIAL 0x16 Oh Xmas Tree

    • January 1, 2011
  • SPECIAL 0x17 Cubtron Z

    • January 1, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x18 Dumb Ways To Die

    • January 1, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x19 Hot Tub Shake

    • January 1, 2015
  • SPECIAL 0x33 Blood Donor

    • January 1, 2017
  • SPECIAL 0x34 Spin Fun Knowin' Ya Blurb

    • November 11, 2009
  • SPECIAL 0x35 Class Act Blurb

    • December 12, 2009
  • SPECIAL 0x36 Blind Date Blurb

    • January 1, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x37 Can't Stop Coffin Blurb

    • February 2, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x38 We're Scrooged! Blurb

    • March 3, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x39 Just Desert Blurb

    • April 4, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x40 Stealing the Spotlight Blurb

    • May 5, 2010
  • SPECIAL 0x41 Wrath of Con Blurb

    • January 1, 2011
  • SPECIAL 0x42 Nuttin' but the Tooth Blurb

    • January 1, 2012
  • SPECIAL 0x43 Eyes Cold Lemonade Blurb

    • February 2, 2012
  • SPECIAL 0x44 Shard at Work Blurb

    • March 3, 2012
  • SPECIAL 0x44 Remains to be Seen Blurb

    • April 4, 2015
  • SPECIAL 0x45 The Way You Make Me Wheel Blurb

    • January 1, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x46 Take a Hike Blurb

    • February 2, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x47 Let It Slide Blurb

    • March 3, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x48 Brake the Cycle Blurb

    • April 4, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x49 All Flocked Up Blurb

    • May 5, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x50 I Nub You Blurb

    • June 6, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x51 Something Fishy Blurb

    • July 7, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x52 Without a Hitch Blurb

    • August 8, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x53 Swelter Skelter Blurb

    • September 9, 2013
  • SPECIAL 0x54 Ski Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya! Blurb

    • January 1, 2014
  • SPECIAL 0x55 Suck It Up Blurb

    • February 2, 2014
  • SPECIAL 0x56 See You Later, Elevator Blurb

    • March 3, 2014
  • SPECIAL 0x57 Peas in a Pod Blurb

    • April 4, 2014
  • SPECIAL 0x58 Keepin' it Reel Blurb

    • May 5, 2014
  • SPECIAL 0x59 Hello Dolly Blurb

    • January 1, 2015
  • SPECIAL 0x60 Read 'em and Weep Blurb

    • February 2, 2015
  • SPECIAL 0x61 Icy You Blurb

    • March 3, 2015
  • SPECIAL 0x62 Remains to be Seen Blurb

    • April 4, 2015

    Remains to be seen blurb

  • SPECIAL 0x63 Seize the Day

    • January 1, 2008

    Cuddles suffers a seizure while playing a video game with Lumpy. Lumpy tries his best to help, but only makes matters worse.

  • SPECIAL 0x63 Seize the Day

    • January 1, 2008

    Cuddles suffers a seizure while playing a video game with Lumpy. Lumpy tries his best to help, but only makes matters worse.

  • SPECIAL 0x63 Seize the Day

    • January 1, 2008

    Cuddles suffers a seizure while playing a video game with Lumpy. Lumpy tries his best to help, but only makes matters worse.

  • SPECIAL 0x63 Seize the Day

    • January 1, 2008

    Cuddles suffers a seizure while playing a video game with Lumpy. Lumpy tries his best to help, but only makes matters worse.

  • SPECIAL 0x63 Seize the Day

    • January 1, 2008

    Cuddles suffers a seizure while playing a video game with Lumpy. Lumpy tries his best to help, but only makes matters worse.

  • SPECIAL 0x64 Chore Loser

    • January 1, 2008

    Pop tells Cub to do his chores, but Cub experiences some problems. Meanwhile, Pop takes a fancy to Cub's video game. Although he ends up liking it a little too much...

  • SPECIAL 0x64 Chore Loser

    • January 1, 2008

    Pop tells Cub to do his chores, but Cub experiences some problems. Meanwhile, Pop takes a fancy to Cub's video game. Although he ends up liking it a little too much...

  • SPECIAL 0x64 Chore Loser

    • January 1, 2008

    Pop tells Cub to do his chores, but Cub experiences some problems. Meanwhile, Pop takes a fancy to Cub's video game. Although he ends up liking it a little too much...

  • SPECIAL 0x64 Chore Loser

    • January 1, 2008

    Pop tells Cub to do his chores, but Cub experiences some problems. Meanwhile, Pop takes a fancy to Cub's video game. Although he ends up liking it a little too much...

  • SPECIAL 0x64 Chore Loser

    • January 1, 2008

    Pop tells Cub to do his chores, but Cub experiences some problems. Meanwhile, Pop takes a fancy to Cub's video game. Although he ends up liking it a little too much...

  • SPECIAL 0x65 Deck the Halls

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x65 Deck the Halls

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x65 Deck the Halls

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x65 Deck the Halls

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x65 Deck the Halls

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x66 We Wish You

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x66 We Wish You

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x66 We Wish You

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x66 We Wish You

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x66 We Wish You

    • January 1, 2008

    Warm your hearts on these chilly winter nights by having our cute cast of Happy Tree Friends characters sing you a Holiday carol.

  • SPECIAL 0x67 Happy New Year

    • January 1, 2008

    HTF characters go to the theaters to watch a film for the new year, little did they know there was a deadly surprise waiting.

  • SPECIAL 0x67 Happy New Year

    • January 1, 2008

    HTF characters go to the theaters to watch a film for the new year, little did they know there was a deadly surprise waiting.

  • SPECIAL 0x67 Happy New Year

    • January 1, 2008

    HTF characters go to the theaters to watch a film for the new year, little did they know there was a deadly surprise waiting.

  • SPECIAL 0x67 Happy New Year

    • January 1, 2008

    HTF characters go to the theaters to watch a film for the new year, little did they know there was a deadly surprise waiting.

  • SPECIAL 0x67 Happy New Year

    • January 1, 2008

    HTF characters go to the theaters to watch a film for the new year, little did they know there was a deadly surprise waiting.

  • SPECIAL 0x68 Take Your Seat

    • January 1, 2008

    Flaky gets lucky when she finds an empty seat in the theater, but her luck soon runs out.

  • SPECIAL 0x68 Take Your Seat

    • January 1, 2008

    Flaky gets lucky when she finds an empty seat in the theater, but her luck soon runs out.

  • SPECIAL 0x68 Take Your Seat

    • January 1, 2008

    Flaky gets lucky when she finds an empty seat in the theater, but her luck soon runs out.

  • SPECIAL 0x68 Take Your Seat

    • January 1, 2008

    Flaky gets lucky when she finds an empty seat in the theater, but her luck soon runs out.

  • SPECIAL 0x68 Take Your Seat

    • January 1, 2008

    Flaky gets lucky when she finds an empty seat in the theater, but her luck soon runs out.

  • SPECIAL 0x69 Moppin Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Lumpy mops the floor but forgets to put up the wet floor sign - until Sniffles comes along.

  • SPECIAL 0x69 Moppin Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Lumpy mops the floor but forgets to put up the wet floor sign - until Sniffles comes along.

  • SPECIAL 0x69 Moppin Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Lumpy mops the floor but forgets to put up the wet floor sign - until Sniffles comes along.

  • SPECIAL 0x69 Moppin Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Lumpy mops the floor but forgets to put up the wet floor sign - until Sniffles comes along.

  • SPECIAL 0x69 Moppin Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Lumpy mops the floor but forgets to put up the wet floor sign - until Sniffles comes along.

  • SPECIAL 0x70 Bite Sized

    • January 1, 2008

    Nutty gets a nice good ol' sweet snack, but the snack seems inappropriate for his teeth.

  • SPECIAL 0x70 Bite Sized

    • January 1, 2008

    Nutty gets a nice good ol' sweet snack, but the snack seems inappropriate for his teeth.

  • SPECIAL 0x70 Bite Sized

    • January 1, 2008

    Nutty gets a nice good ol' sweet snack, but the snack seems inappropriate for his teeth.

  • SPECIAL 0x70 Bite Sized

    • January 1, 2008

    Nutty gets a nice good ol' sweet snack, but the snack seems inappropriate for his teeth.

  • SPECIAL 0x70 Bite Sized

    • January 1, 2008

    Nutty gets a nice good ol' sweet snack, but the snack seems inappropriate for his teeth.

  • SPECIAL 0x71 Pop & Corn

    • January 1, 2008

    Cub finds out that too much popcorn is bad for him.

  • SPECIAL 0x71 Pop & Corn

    • January 1, 2008

    Cub finds out that too much popcorn is bad for him.

  • SPECIAL 0x71 Pop & Corn

    • January 1, 2008

    Cub finds out that too much popcorn is bad for him.

  • SPECIAL 0x71 Pop & Corn

    • January 1, 2008

    Cub finds out that too much popcorn is bad for him.

  • SPECIAL 0x71 Pop & Corn

    • January 1, 2008

    Cub finds out that too much popcorn is bad for him.

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Butter Me Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Giggles wants some butter for her popcorn, only for her to end up "buttered".

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Butter Me Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Giggles wants some butter for her popcorn, only for her to end up "buttered".

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Butter Me Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Giggles wants some butter for her popcorn, only for her to end up "buttered".

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Butter Me Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Giggles wants some butter for her popcorn, only for her to end up "buttered".

  • SPECIAL 0x72 Butter Me Up

    • January 1, 2008

    Giggles wants some butter for her popcorn, only for her to end up "buttered".

  • SPECIAL 0x73 Cheesy Does It

    • January 1, 2008

    Shifty decides to eat some pizza while its hot, but he should've let it cool down before attempting to eat it.

  • SPECIAL 0x73 Cheesy Does It

    • January 1, 2008

    Shifty decides to eat some pizza while its hot, but he should've let it cool down before attempting to eat it.

  • SPECIAL 0x73 Cheesy Does It

    • January 1, 2008

    Shifty decides to eat some pizza while its hot, but he should've let it cool down before attempting to eat it.

  • SPECIAL 0x73 Cheesy Does It

    • January 1, 2008

    Shifty decides to eat some pizza while its hot, but he should've let it cool down before attempting to eat it.

  • SPECIAL 0x73 Cheesy Does It

    • January 1, 2008

    Shifty decides to eat some pizza while its hot, but he should've let it cool down before attempting to eat it.

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Tunnel Vision

    • January 1, 2008

    Mime is enjoying the movie with his cup, but The Mole wanted a seat in a row behind Mime.

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Tunnel Vision

    • January 1, 2008

    Mime is enjoying the movie with his cup, but The Mole wanted a seat in a row behind Mime.

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Tunnel Vision

    • January 1, 2008

    Mime is enjoying the movie with his cup, but The Mole wanted a seat in a row behind Mime.

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Tunnel Vision

    • January 1, 2008

    Mime is enjoying the movie with his cup, but The Mole wanted a seat in a row behind Mime.

  • SPECIAL 0x74 Tunnel Vision

    • January 1, 2008

    Mime is enjoying the movie with his cup, but The Mole wanted a seat in a row behind Mime.

  • SPECIAL 0x75 Claw

    • January 1, 2008

    The claw machine wants Cuddles, but only to hurt him.

  • SPECIAL 0x75 Claw

    • January 1, 2008

    The claw machine wants Cuddles, but only to hurt him.

  • SPECIAL 0x75 Claw

    • January 1, 2008

    The claw machine wants Cuddles, but only to hurt him.

  • SPECIAL 0x75 Claw

    • January 1, 2008

    The claw machine wants Cuddles, but only to hurt him.

  • SPECIAL 0x75 Claw

    • January 1, 2008

    The claw machine wants Cuddles, but only to hurt him.

  • SPECIAL 0x76 Operation: Tiger Bomb

    • September 2, 2008

    Operation: Tiger Bomb is the first episode of the W.A.R. Journal story line and is the first episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x76 Operation: Tiger Bomb

    • September 2, 2008

    Operation: Tiger Bomb is the first episode of the W.A.R. Journal story line and is the first episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x76 Operation: Tiger Bomb

    • September 2, 2008

    Operation: Tiger Bomb is the first episode of the W.A.R. Journal story line and is the first episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x76 Operation: Tiger Bomb

    • September 2, 2008

    Operation: Tiger Bomb is the first episode of the W.A.R. Journal story line and is the first episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x76 Operation: Tiger Bomb

    • September 2, 2008

    Operation: Tiger Bomb is the first episode of the W.A.R. Journal story line and is the first episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x77 Three Courses of Death

    • September 23, 2008

    Three Courses of Death is the first episode of the Buddhist Monkey story line and the second episode of the action spin-off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x77 Three Courses of Death

    • September 23, 2008

    Three Courses of Death is the first episode of the Buddhist Monkey story line and the second episode of the action spin-off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x77 Three Courses of Death

    • September 23, 2008

    Three Courses of Death is the first episode of the Buddhist Monkey story line and the second episode of the action spin-off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x77 Three Courses of Death

    • September 23, 2008

    Three Courses of Death is the first episode of the Buddhist Monkey story line and the second episode of the action spin-off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x77 Three Courses of Death

    • September 23, 2008

    Three Courses of Death is the first episode of the Buddhist Monkey story line and the second episode of the action spin-off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Mirror Mirror - Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad

    • November 18, 2008

    Mirror Mirror is the first episode of the Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad story line and is the third episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Mirror Mirror - Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad

    • November 18, 2008

    Mirror Mirror is the first episode of the Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad story line and is the third episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Mirror Mirror - Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad

    • November 18, 2008

    Mirror Mirror is the first episode of the Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad story line and is the third episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Mirror Mirror - Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad

    • November 18, 2008

    Mirror Mirror is the first episode of the Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad story line and is the third episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x78 Mirror Mirror - Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad

    • November 18, 2008

    Mirror Mirror is the first episode of the Splendid's SSSSSuper Squad story line and is the third episode of the action spin off Ka-Pow!.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Books of Fury

    • August 3, 2004

    Books of Fury is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a character that is special within the Happy Tree Friends universe.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Books of Fury

    • August 3, 2004

    Books of Fury is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a character that is special within the Happy Tree Friends universe.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Books of Fury

    • August 3, 2004

    Books of Fury is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a character that is special within the Happy Tree Friends universe.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Books of Fury

    • August 3, 2004

    Books of Fury is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a character that is special within the Happy Tree Friends universe.

  • SPECIAL 0x79 Books of Fury

    • August 3, 2004

    Books of Fury is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a character that is special within the Happy Tree Friends universe.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Enter the Garden

    • October 14, 2003

    Enter the Garden is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a special character under the Happy Tree Friends banner. The cartoon was included with the "Happy Tree Friends: Second Serving" DVD dated October 14, 2003, and it was posted online March 19, 2009.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Enter the Garden

    • October 14, 2003

    Enter the Garden is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a special character under the Happy Tree Friends banner. The cartoon was included with the "Happy Tree Friends: Second Serving" DVD dated October 14, 2003, and it was posted online March 19, 2009.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Enter the Garden

    • October 14, 2003

    Enter the Garden is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a special character under the Happy Tree Friends banner. The cartoon was included with the "Happy Tree Friends: Second Serving" DVD dated October 14, 2003, and it was posted online March 19, 2009.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Enter the Garden

    • October 14, 2003

    Enter the Garden is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a special character under the Happy Tree Friends banner. The cartoon was included with the "Happy Tree Friends: Second Serving" DVD dated October 14, 2003, and it was posted online March 19, 2009.

  • SPECIAL 0x80 Enter the Garden

    • October 14, 2003

    Enter the Garden is one of three episodes starring Buddhist Monkey, a special character under the Happy Tree Friends banner. The cartoon was included with the "Happy Tree Friends: Second Serving" DVD dated October 14, 2003, and it was posted online March 19, 2009.

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Too Much Scream Time

    • September 27, 2023

    Too Much Scream Time is an irregular episode in the Happy Tree Friends series.

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Too Much Scream Time

    • September 27, 2023

    Too Much Scream Time is an irregular episode in the Happy Tree Friends series.

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Too Much Scream Time

    • September 27, 2023

    Too Much Scream Time is an irregular episode in the Happy Tree Friends series.

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Too Much Scream Time

    • September 27, 2023

    Too Much Scream Time is an irregular episode in the Happy Tree Friends series.

  • SPECIAL 0x81 Too Much Scream Time

    • September 27, 2023

    Too Much Scream Time is an irregular episode in the Happy Tree Friends series.