Ohana kann es kaum noch erwarten die Bewertung des Kissuisos im aktuellen Reiseführer nachzulesen, allerdings ist die Euphorie schnell wieder verflogen. Das Kissuiso wird im Reiseführer als altmodisches und drittklassiges Gasthaus betitelt. Ohana ist so wütend darüber und beschließt darum den Autor zur Rede zu stellen.
After the Kissuisō gets a scathing review in a magazine, it becomes apparents that all the hot spring inns in the area are receiving poor reviews whilst a newly constructed hotel is being praised. Wanting to get to the bottom of this, Ohana heads to Tokyo to find out who's responsible for the review, which turns out to be her mother, Satsuki. She reveals she wrote a poor review under orders from higher ups, which annoys Ohana, who had been bottling up her annoyances with her. When Satsuki refuses to go to Kissuisō to give her true opinion, Ohana decides to stage a protest. Whilst doing so, she decides to visit Kōichi, only to notice another girl seemingly attached to him. After hearing from Kōichi that the girl has an unrequited love for him, Ohana feels guilty and runs off into the rain in tears, but is found by Minko and Tōru.