Jose war früher in der italienischen Armee bei den Carbinieris. Nach Jahren trifft er sich in einem Restaurant mit einem seiner damaligen Kollegen. Plötzlich erschüttert eine Detonation das Restaurant, Scheiben splittern. Zwei Fratello-Pärchen nehmen einen Mann gefangen, den sie für den Attentäter halten. In der Wohnung des Mannes finden sie Sprengstoff aus dem Waffenbestand der Armee. Ein hoher Offizier der Armee wird verdächtig mit Waffen zu handeln…
Giuseppe reunites with an old friend from the Italian military, with whom he reminisces on the past, and especially his sister Enrica, until a PRF terrorist detonates a bomb near their restaurant. After his capture by Beatrice and interrogation by Rico reveals a large supply of plastic explosive, supplied to the PRF through the military, Section Two is tasked with finding out the identity of the traitor. The trail eventually leads to Giuseppe's old acquaintance, who is killed in a raid by the Fratello, badly upsetting Giuseppe, and his superior, Colonel Garnier. Meanwhile, Henrietta is troubled both over feelings that she is being overly selfish with Giuseppe and his general depression. She and Rico assassinate the Colonel and his second-in-command at a performance of Tosca, and Giuseppe reaffirms his affection for Henrietta, gently pinching her on the cheek as he used to do with his sister.
Giuseppe incontra un suo vecchio amico in un ristorante, proprio quando scoppia una bomba nelle vicinanze. Beatrice riesce a catturare il responsabile, che viene interrogato da Rico e rivela che alcuni militari forniscono il Movimento delle Cinque Repubbliche di esplosivi. Giuseppe scopre che il responsabile è il suo vecchio amico, e lo uccide. Henrietta intanto è turbata per via dei suoi sentimenti verso Giuseppe, mentre Rico uccide a Castel Sant'Angelo, durante la Tosca, un colonnello dell'esercito.
Giuseppe se reencuentra con un viejo amigo del ejército italiano, con quien recuerda el pasado, y especialmente a su hermana Enrica, hasta que un terrorista de la PRF detona una bomba cerca de su restaurante.