Auf Jeans Frage „Wie gefällt dir dein Leben im Moment?“ antwortet Claes emotionslos: „Ich bin gut versorgt. Ich habe die Erlaubnis erhalten einen kleinen Kräutergarten anzulegen, ich darf in den Unterkünften ein und aus gehen wie und wann ich will, ich darf Klavier spielen, meine Tage sind reich und erfüllt.“ Doch letzteres ist offenbar nicht die Wahrheit, denn Claes steht ständig neben sich und läuft melancholisch und Sinn suchend durch die Welt…
Claes has dreams of her time with Raballo, but can't seem to remember who he is, which distresses her. However, she keeps her emotional distress to herself, and continues to follow her daily routine of study, piano and gardening, as well as being examined by Section Two's science team. Jean, concerned about how much Claes recalls, has her watch a nature video that recalls the fishing trips she and her handler would take; this serves as something of a trigger for Claes, who goes wandering through the firing range, and seems to remember Raballo's name. At the end of the episode, she and a new cyborg, Beatrice, find a meteorite in Claes' herb garden, and the song Scarborough Fair is played as she reminisces over what she can remember of her mentor.
Claes fa' dei sogni in cui rivede suo "fratello" Labaro, ma non può ricordarsi di lui a causa del condizionamento, e per questo è molto triste. Decide così di andare al poligono di tiro, dove vedendo le altre bambine che sparano e sentendo l'odore della polvere da sparo le viene una strana malinconia.
Claes sueña con su tiempo con Raballo, pero no parece recordar quién es, lo que la angustia. Sin embargo, se guarda su angustia emocional para sí misma y continúa con su rutina diaria de estudio, piano y jardinería, además de ser examinada por el equipo científico de la Sección Dos. J