Jean und Rico besuchen eine Galerie in Florenz und treffen auf den Buchhalter Filipo Adani, den sie beschützen sollen. Er ist im Besitz von Unterlagen auf die auch ein Terrorist scharf ist. Filippo ahnt nicht, dass seine zwei neuen Freunde seine womöglich einzige Chance sind um mit dem Leben davon zu kommen. (Text: Animax)
Rico and Jean encounter a man named Filippo Adani, and after conversing with him, tour the city of Florence, enjoying the artwork and architecture. In the museum, Filippo muses on how he threw away a possible career as an artist to become an accountant. Meanwhile, Jean apprehends an assassin from the PRF sent to kill Filippo, who is revealed to be an accountant for Pirazzi, a member of the PRF. Under the command of Cristiano, PRF members attempt to apprehend him, but he manages to escape with the aid of Rico and Henrietta. As he sits safely in the getaway car, he claims that he has nothing to live for, but Rico convinces him to go back to his artistic passions, which he accepts.
Comptable du célèbre millionnaire Piriazi, Philippo Adani a pris la poudre d'escampette en emportant dans ses bagages les preuves de nombreuses malversations commises par son employeur ainsi que des informations primordiales sur la prochaine attaque terroriste des Lombards. Dans sa débâcle, il rencontre alors Rico et Jean, un heureux hasard qui pourrait lui sauver la vie.
Rico e Gianni incontrano a Firenze Filippo Adani, un commercialista che è in possesso di un libro contabile che rappresenta la prova di alcuni finanziamenti illeciti al Movimento delle Cinque Repubbliche. I due si fingono fratello e sorella e proteggono l'uomo. Una volta svelata la loro vera identità, Rico convince Filippo Adani a realizzare il suo sogno: diventare un pittore.