Der gesuchte Terrorist Enrico Berdini plant einen Anschlag auf Rom. Jose und Henrietta werden nach Rom geschickt und arbeiten mit dem Bombenspezialisten Enzo zusammen. Gemeinsam machen sie sich auf die Suche nach Berdini, der soeben im Begriff ist mit den zwei besten Bombenbauern Italiens einen Deal abzuschliessen. (Text: Animax)
After barely defusing a bomb in a subway, the police begin to search for Enrico Beldini, a noted bomber. Henrietta and Jose overhear a conversation in which Beldini deals with the Padania Republic Faction for a bomb to use. The PRF, namely members Franco and Franca, agrees, but Enrico is tailed by Carabinieri agents throughout the city. Subsequently, Henrietta, Rico, and Triela raid Enrico's hideout, and they are able to dispatch his guards and capture him alive. Afterwards, Jose buys Henrietta gelato from the Piazza di Spagna as her reward. Franco and Franca accidentally meet Henrietta, and remark after assuming that she is a daughter of wealth that she is one of the ones they are fighting for.
Henrietta est chargée de faire avorter un attentat à la bombe fomenté par des terroristes. Pour lui prêter main forte, la Direction Générale dépêche alors de Rome Rico et Triela. Une fois la mission terminée, Henrietta demande une glace, une curieuse et modeste récompense pour le risque encouru !
Henrietta, Rico e Triela sventano un attentato a Piazza di Spagna. Successivamente, Henrietta sceglie come regalo un gelato da gustare nella celebre piazza.