Stick's group of makeshift freedom fighters stages a raid on an Inbit HBT cell store to replenish their own supplies. This human-run Inbit reserve is drawn off-guard by a huge concert by the famous Yellow. Stick, Houquet, and Rey infiltrate the storage complex armed with rope and an ancient map of the building and it's secret passages. No plan is ever perfect, and Stick, Houquet and Rey find themselves locked in a sealed room, filling slowly with water. Eventually, they get out, but Yellow has postponed the end of her concert too long, causing the city guard to get nervous. When the robbery is discovered, the Inbit arrive. But with a replenished supply of fuel cells, Stick's group scores an easy victory.
Stick et son groupe ont besoin de se ravitailler en HBT. Afin de se fournir en carburant, ils décident d’en dérober à des forces armées ennemies. Mais pour s’infiltrer, il va leur falloir une bonne couverture…
Die Freunde versuchen die nächstgelegene Stadt zu infiltrieren, in der es ein HBT-Lager gibt. Wie praktisch, dass Yellow genau dort einen Konzertauftritt hat …