The team is learning to live and fight together. Some people rub others the wrong way, especially Houquet and Rey. While getting supplies, Stick, Houquet, Mint, Rand, and Jim are ambushed by Inbit. Stick realizes that he needs the Legioss to battle this squad, but is afraid to indicate their campsite by making a straight line to the armo-fighter. Yellow Belmont patiently waits by the fighter while the rest of the group fight the Inbit. Rey reveals both his survival skill in the episode, along with his excellent reasoning. He catches fish and helps the group to deal with the horrors of the wild, namely leeches. He also discovers that the Inbit can sense the use of active military hardware. This enables the team to elude the Inbit by using only the minimum amount of energy. With the help of Yellow, Stick finally reaches the fighter and destroys the Inbit patrol that has been tailing them.
Poursuivis par des Inbits, Stick, Ray, Mint, Jim, Yellow et Houquet n’ont d’autre choix que de se cacher dans une forêt toute proche. En ripostant, ils prennent conscience que leurs ennemis parviennent à détecter leur présence même quand ils sont à couvert…
Stig und seine Kameraden flüchten sich vor den Inbit in einen Wald. Dort müssen sie den Gefahren der Natur trotzen, während ihnen die Invasoren weiter auf den Fersen sind …