Houquet withdraws from the group more and more, until she finally leaves during the night. Rey follows to see what she is up to. Stick knows that they left, but decides to let them go. Rey follows Houquet to a cavern that surrounds a city. Houquet is at home, through a series of flashbacks and conversations, and remembers why she left and the people that made her leave. Her days in a street gang haunt her, and she confronts the members of a rival gang who beat her severely. This episode is filled with excellent character development for Houquet, and some depth is added to Rey's character at the same time. Stick decides to look for Houquet and Rey, and ends up tangling with the Inbit. Once again, Houquet saves Stick from certain doom, and puts her abusers to shame at the same time. Rey helps Houquet to see her mother one last time, and they are on their way, and she makes a vow to herself to stay with the group of freedom fighters, who have become her family.
Houquet se remémore son passé et songe à Romy, un ancien ami et frère d’armes. Elle repense également à un groupe de malfrats qu’elle combattait. Prise de nostalgie et ayant des comptes à régler, elle retourne dans la ville où elle résidait.
Während sich Stigs Gruppe eine kleine Auszeit von den Inbit gönnt, erinnert sich Houquet an ihre Jugend und die Bekanntschaften, die sie damals hatte. Und da ihre Heimatstadt nicht weit entfernt liegt, zögert sie nicht lange und macht sich auf den Weg …