In order to participate in the Galactik Football Cup, all teams are required to use the same flux as the planet they represent. This means Lun-Zia must learn the Breath, Mei must learn the Smog, and Yuki must learn the Wave. The practices are made more and more intense as Aarch enters the holostadium to show how the breath can make him strong enough to defeat The Snow Kids since he knows all their moves. Special Breath training is given to Rocket, Tia, and Ahito to allow them to become faster by relaying on the Breath instead of their own skills. After learning the Smog, Mei decides she can't tolerate the sickness it will cause and decides to depart back for Akillian. Before leaving, Mei visits D'Jok, who has started up football classes for young kids in the Genesis Forest. D'Jok says he will never return after betraying the Snow Kids, but he wishes Mei the best. Lun-Zia tries to master the breath, but she can't get past her native Flux. Lun-Zia is forced to leave the team, opening a spot up for the returning Mei, but she receives good news as the Wambas invite her to join their squad and participate in the Cup. Meanwhile Team Paradisia gets a new captain and a new coach in Nikki 4. Nina 8 is brought on board to replace D'Jok. The fans rally around Team Paradisia. Adium announces that Team Paradisia will receive one of the wild card spots for the Cup, and she announces a first round match between The Snow Kids and The Wambas. An interview with Yuki is also shown in which she announces she will stay on board with Elektras and participate with them during the upcoming Cup. The end of the episode reveals Team Paradisia is now controlled by Harris, who plans on using the multi-flux in ways never before imagined during the upcoming tournament.
Yuki maîtrise le fluide des Elektras, Mei réussit à avoir le Smog mais ça la rend malade et elle veut arrêter, même si Sinedd est opposé à cette idée. La Galactik Football Cup va avoir lieu plus tôt que prévu et D'Jok donne des cours de foot à un groupe d'enfants. Team Paradisia va jouer la Galactik Football Cup et les Snow Kids rencontreront les Wambas au 1er tour.
Eine neue Spielstrategie für den neuen Galactik Football Cup – die Snow Kids müssen ihren Gegner überraschen und sich selbst neu erfinden, wenn sie die Trophäe erneut gewinnen möchten. Lun-Zia versucht, den Odem von Akillian zu beherrschen, um bei den Snow Kids bleiben zu können, aber das fällt ihr nicht gerade leicht. Und Yuki gibt live bei Arcadia Sports bekannt, dass sie mit ihrem Team am Turnier teilnehmen wird. Aber mit welchem Team? Nachdem Mei auf Genesis mit D’Jok gesprochen hat, besucht Mei Aarch in seinem Büro. Aber wird ihr Ex-Trainer D’Jok wieder im Team aufnehmen? (Text: Sky)
Yuki padroneggia il fluido degli Elektras, Mei riesce a ottenere lo Smog ma la fa ammalare e vuole fermarsi, anche se Sinedd si oppone a questa idea. La Galactik Football Cup si svolgerà prima del previsto e D'Jok darà lezioni di calcio a un gruppo di bambini. Il Team Paradisia giocherà la Galactik Football Cup e gli Snow Kids incontreranno i Wambas nel 1° turno.