Sousuke nimmt jede "Mission" ernst. So spielt er auch den Freund von Mizuki. Während Mizuki und ihre Freundinnen Sousuke näher kennenlernen, zeigt sich bei Kaname die erste Eifersucht. Dabei setzt sie auch gerne mal ihre Lieblingswaffe, einen Papier-Fächer ein. Ich glaub der kann ganz schön weh tun, wenn man sich Sousuke so betrachtet.
Putting the tumultuous experiences in Khanka behind them, it’s business as usual back at Jindai High School. On the way to school, Kaname is asked out by Shirai, even offering to leave his girlfriend, who watches the debacle furiously from cover. After Sousuke threatens to kill off his family if he goes near Kaname again, the situation appears to be resolved-or is it? At school, Kaname gets the strange feeling that she’s being watched. The situation explodes when Sousuke finds foul graffiti written about Kaname scribbled on the men’s room wall, and proceeds to torture and interrogate Shirai trying to get him to confess. Kaname is called in by Kyouko to defuse the crisis before Shinji’s bladder bursts.
Once Shirai is rescued from getting intimate with the toilet bowl by his enraged girlfriend Mizuki, Sousuke sets out to learn about love from one of Shinji’s dating simulators. Kaname and Kyouko watch with distain as negotiations break down between Sousuke and his virtual love. While Sousuke hasn’t got a clue about romancing virtual girls, this military maniac is about to find himself on the receiving end of a crash course in the real thing courtesy of Mizuki Inaba. Blaming Kaname for Shirai breaking up with her, Mizuki recruits Sousuke to fill the roll as her beloved boyfriend in the hopes of convincing some old friends from Jr. High that she has the perfect relationship. Will Sousuke survive basic training in the art of romance? And just how much of this insanity is Kaname going to stand for?
Une camarade de classe du nom de Inaba Mizuki dont le petit copain l'a laisser tomber pour tenter de sortir avec Chidori embarque Sosuke dans une histoire impossible après une altercation avec son ancien petit ami. En effet, Mizuki a promis de montrer son petit ami à ses amies mais comme il viens de la plaquer, Sousuke est obligé de le remplacer. Cependant, Sousuke est loin d'être un spécialiste de ce genre de situation même avec un entrainement intense, il répond toujours étrangement. Lorsque le jour de la rencontre avec les amies de Mizuki survient, Sousuke est très vite démasqué mettant tous le monde dans l'embarras, Mizuki la première.
Finiti i problemi coi terroristi, la vita di Kaname Chidori ritorna alla normalità, ma i guai non le danno tregua. Questa volta il problema si chiama Mizuki Inaba, una ragazza gelosa di Kaname in quanto il suo ragazzo l'ha lasciata interessato a lei.
Siccome il giorno successivo Mizuki avrebbe dovuto presentare il fidanzato a delle amiche, chiede a Sousuke di fingersi Satoru e di uscire insieme a lei. Ovviamente, il comportamento e le strane affermazioni del sergente Sagara destano subito strani dubbi nelle amiche di Mizuki, ma sarà solo quando le ragazze si troveranno di fronte al vero Satoru che lei si troverà costretta ad abbandonare la sua malriuscita recita.
ガウルンとの激しい攻防を制した宗介、かなめたち。またいつもの学園生活が始まった。そんなある日、かなめの同級生「稲葉瑞樹」は彼氏の白井にふられた直後、友達に彼氏を紹介する羽目に…。困惑する瑞樹。そんな彼女が彼氏役に指名したのは、何と宗介だった! 複雑な心境のかなめ。
Shirai, una chica del instituto, es rechazada por un chico que va detrás de Kaname. Para evitar quedar mal con sus amigas intenta hacer pasar a Souske como su novio. El problema es que Souske no tiene ni idea de qué hacer en esas situaciones...
Shirai, um dos estudantes da escola, está afim de Chidori e diz que seria capaz de até mesmo terminar com sua namorada, Mizuki. Com a rejeição de Shirai e para evitar ser humilhada por suas amigas do ginasial, Mizuki pede para que Sousuke a acompanhe em um encontro fingindo ser seu namorado. O problema é que Sousuke não tem ideia do que fazer nessas situações...